Chapter 3 - The Mall

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*I'm going to start doing the all from a narrator's Point of View because I felt like writing from their was awkward. I will, however say who I'm writing about, if that makes sense.
Tessa put her phone down and then glanced at her suitcase, there was barely anything. She brought her technology and only a few clothes, and she brought a credit card. I need some clothes desperately, and Aunt Harriet left me plenty considering that I'm going to eat at Nephilim's cafeteria, Tessa thought, I guess I should go to the mall tomorrow. Tessa then went to her suitcase and pulled out a picture of her, Aunt Harriet, and Nate. The best brother in the world. Overcome with sadness, Tessa allowed her tears to fall and she hugged the picture as she fell asleep.
(A.N. Did this once and when I woke up the places where the corners of the picture were, were bruised a bit. Don't really recommend.)

The next morning, Tessa woke up and got dressed in black skinny jeans and a sweatshirt that said, 'Fandom - Definition: Literally the best thing ever' She brushed her hair out and left it down and then put on what little makeup she brought, nothing noticeable. Grabbing the key to her room and putting it into her purse, she called an Uber (A.N. I literally have no clue if London would have Uber drivers or taxis and I apologize if there is no Uber in England because I dislike being wrong) and they made their way to the mall. When she got there, Tessa felt as small as an ant. The mall here was huge, although she had lived in New York before, it was rural New York and she had never seen a mall this large before. Tessa thanked and payed her driver and then walked into the mall.

This first thing she saw was the food court, and she remembered she hadn't eaten that morning. Slowly, she scouted out her options. Eventually, she settled on getting a Chinese food. In the middle of eating, she got a text from Will and she began to smile.

Nerd_Ruler: I just saw a duck.

Ships-For-Days: I, for the life of me cannot understand why you don't like ducks.

Nerd_Ruler: It's not that I don't like them...

Ships-For-Days: What?!

Nerd_Ruler: It's that I hate them and they are awful carnivorous beasts.

Ships-For-Days: That makes sense. For a second, I thought you were going to run off and marry a duck.

Nerd_Ruler: Well that would be quite disturbing.

Ships-For-Days: Nah, #Team Dill

Nerd_Ruler: Literally offended right now. *gasps dramatically*

Ships-For-Days: So if you hate ducks, would it be morally good or bad to eat them? On one hand you are the reason it's dead and on the other you are letting a duck inside you.

Nerd_Ruler: WORDING. WTH. And it would entirely depend on how the duck tasted.

Ships-For-Days: Nice to know, and I chose my wording very carefully, for your information.

Nerd_Ruler: Tess!

Ships-For-Days: Okay, sorry. Anyways, what're you doing today?

Nerd_Ruler: I'm hanging out with my sister.

Ships-For-Days: That's cool! How is she?

Nerd_Ruler: She is the best sister ever and like 10 ka trillion times better than me and (hey) it's on voice William it'll send anything I want (Give it back I swear Cecy) No I just wanted to say that Will (NOPE)

Ships-For-Days: What?

Nerd_Ruler: My sister took my phone, she likes to do that sometimes.

Ships-For-Days: She seems fun! Tell her I said hi.

A Strange Way / Wessaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें