Chapter 5 - Roommates!

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When Tessa walked in, the first thing she saw was the dark haired and blue eyed kids from the mall. The girl recognized me and waved me over to them. "H- hello." I stuttered. Tessa if you would please not be awkward... "I remember you from the mall. I'm really sorry for running into you, I really didn't mean to hurt you at all." Tessa had turned to the boy to apologize and his eyes only widened and a blush went to his cheek. The girl, replied sweetly, "It's okay, it's nice to meet you. I'd like to apologize for my brother over here, he's a bit slow sometimes," the boy turned to glare at his sister and Tessa stifled a laugh, Cecily continued, " My name is Cecily and this is my brother Will. What's your name?"

Tessa smiled and replied, "My name is Tessa. Tessa Gray. You know, I have a friend named Will who lives near here. It'd be funny if you two ever met." She joked. The word awkward kept floating around her head, making her nervous. "Cecily is such a beautiful name. Where's it from?" Tessa asked, the nervousness becoming obvious. Cecily answered kindly and explained that it was Welsh. Will used Welsh origins a lot, maybe he'd know more about the name. Tessa made a mental note to ask him about it later.

Cecily's name was then called up and she looked excitedly at me when she came back. "Tessa, looks like we're rooming together!" Cecily squealed. Tessa ran out and hugged her, and to Tessa's surprise she hugged me back. "I finally get a nice roommate this year! Oh, we can be friends!" Cecily continued like that for a while, and with a nod to the secretary, she took Tessa to their room.

The room nice with two beds, two closets, one small kitchen, one bathroom, two desks, and a television at the front. Cecily turned to Tessa and asked, "Which side do you want?" They both looked nice, but Tessa secretly wanted the one near to kitchen, due to the number of outlets. However, Tessa mentally scolded herself and switched the question back to Cecily, "It doesn't really matter. What about you?" Cecily walked over to the bed by the window and patted it, "I'll stay here, I really like seeing the outside. Tessa nodded and set her stuff down on her new bed.

Suddenly, she heard the familiar alert of Will texting her. She took out her phone and smiled at the screen. Cecily began to watch her.
Nerd_Ruler: I finally got here and this semester I have a really cool roommate.

Ships-For-Days: Me too! She's really nice and she's funny.

Nerd_Ruler: Have I been replaced already?

Ships-For-Days: Never. You're still my bestie, as long as I'm never replaced.

Nerd_Ruler: I could never replace you, Tess.

Ships-For-Days: I'm touched. *cries in internet*

Nerd_Ruler: Speaking of crying, did you ever finish that fanfic I sent you?

Ships-For-Days: Yeah! That part when the boy was about  to die but then joined the Silent Brothers who save him and he gave his blessing to the best friend was so sweet!

Nerd_Ruler: Yeah, I ship her and the best friend though.

Ships-For-Days: Me too, the other is cute and no hate  but...

Nerd_Ruler: I completely understand.

Suddenly, Cecily came up from behind Tessa, "Is that the Will you were talking about earlier?" she asked, slyly. Tessa felt heat rush up to her cheeks and quickly placed her phone screen down on her lap. Slowly, Tessa responded, "Y- yeah." Cecily eyes began to shine, and I could tell she was shipper. Cecily jumped beside me and squealed a bit, "Ooh, what did he say?" Tessa began to feel relieved. She explained that Will led her to a FanFiction and they were just talking about that. "So you both ship the best friend and the girl?" Cecily asked innocently. She remembered Will talking about this during one of his rants about how a book he liked ended. He had let slip that he viewed Tessa as a lot like the main character, Bessa, and himself as the charming Bill.

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