Chapter 9 - Partners

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Will paused for a second when he saw Tessa sitting next to the only available seat in the room. Quickly, he changed his expression into a smirk and sat himself down. Tessa looked at him slightly confused, but didn't seem too bothered. She turned back to the board and continued her work as if nothing had happened. Will, on the other hand, couldn't quite focus on the board. It was just a review, anyways. "Heyo, I'm bored now. I'll be going now, if you don't mind." He walked straight out with a smile plastered onto his face. The teacher called the principal and told him to be expecting me, and he heard a few of Mortmain's worshippers snickering.

Will sat down in his usual seat, just outside of the principal's office. In an odd way, he felt at home here. Not the school so much, just this spot. He had a lot of experience outside of this musty office. Suddenly, the door opened. "Herondale." sighed Principal Principle. The principal motioned for Will to come in, shaking his head disappointedly. Excruciatingly slowly, Will got up and walked into the office. Being in here was normal. Principal Principle then sat on the brown rolling chair at his desk and Will sat across from him.

"Now, you know that it is against principle to go against your Principal? Do you, Mr. Herondale?" Principal Principle stated. Will nodded his head and replied, "I went against my teacher, not you Princie." This nickname made Principal Principle's eyes flicker (A.N. I'm going to stop saying 'Principal Principle now, I just really like laughing at it while I'm writing. I'll just call him Principal.) with annoyance. "Young sir, it is against principle to regard your principal with this much disrespect!" Principal stated, "I am a part of the school's administration, and when you disrespect one of us it leads to the disrespect of all. You will not start the semester off like this. Detention until Friday and you have to clean the library, top to bottom, during your lunch break."

Will was honestly a bit happy to have an excuse to be in the library so often, but he refused to let it show. "Yes, sir. I wish you were less harsh dealing out your punishments, but if you choose for me to do so... I suppose I should begin to go to the classroom now?" Will glanced at the clock, he had missed the whole class period. The principal did not notice the time, though, and he sent Will on his way.

The bell rang the second Will opened the door to the Creative a Writing Classroom. From the back of the room, two girls were whispering excitedly and kept glancing at Will. With a charming look, he winked at the two and they looked as if they could faint.

Tessa seemed unimpressed and only continued to pick up her stuff. Will couldn't help but feel a bit bitter, Of course, she just has to be one of the few girls in this school that doesn't think I'm hot. How. Absolutely. Convenient. Maybe it's a good thing, though. She doesn't know I'm me, and I definitely don't act like I'm me. It'd probably be really messed up if she liked me like this. Yeah. Sarcasm pumped through his veins and sometimes Will became sarcastic to himself. At least it kept internal conversation interesting.

Tessa had already gone when Will felt himself being pulled back to Earth from his thoughts. Swiftly, he picked up his things and made his way to his next class, Advanced English. If there's one thing I can do, it's English Literature. Will thought about a few books he might do his beginning of the semester report on. Hopefully, his partner would like classics. Turning a corner, Will walked into the classroom and saw a familiar face. (A.N. I wasn't going to do the whole 'pairing up for a reading assignment thing' because it's used a lot, but it's cute and I have writing magic so yay)

Tessa sat at the very end of the room, front row. She was right beside a window and its soft glow covered her perfectly. Will quickly averted his eyes and sat in the back, all the way across the room from her. Tessa was curved over a journal, writing something with a slight smile on her face. There is no way I'll have to bother anyone now. Hopefully she's writing something good, I'll probably read it later if she posts it. Unless she doesn't post it, but when would Tessa ever not post a story in the internet. Will realized he was looking at her and shifted his gaze before anyone could tell.

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