Chapter 7 - Getting Ready

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Tessa woke up to the sight of Cecily jumping up and down on her bed. She rose slowly and glanced at her alarm clock, it read 5:30 AM in bright red, digital lights. School didn't start until 8. Cecily got down and flipped on the TV. Somehow, she landed on Sherlock and began to study everything he did. At this, Tessa finally felt the energy to sit up. " You like to watch Sherlock?" Tessa wondered out loud. Cecily turned and nodded vigorously, exclaiming, " I can read people, you know? Someday I would like to be able to read people as well as Sherlock. I used to be quite the introvert when I was in elementary and middle school. Since highschool, though, I've come out if my shell a lot. Still, though..." Cecily returned her gaze to the TV.

"You know, this is my favorite episode. And the mind palace? It works greatly, I've used it countless times to store information for a test or something and, sure enough, the information is right there in my head!" Tessa exclaimed, now excited for their first day of school. If everyone was as great as Cecily, then she'd fit in perfectly. Cecily, too, was excited and she asked, "Do you want me to do your hair and stuff and you do mine while we watch it?" Tessa nodded and Cecily motioned for Tessa to sit down right in front if her. Cecily gently did Tessa's hair and braided two strands at the front down and let them hang slightly. (Photo in the Chapter Beginning) She left Tessa's hair as wavy in the back and moved on to do her make up. Tessa gulped as Cecily got to work, wondering what she would do. Luckily for Tessa, Cecily knew exactly what to do. (A.N. But I don't have a clue on how to properly wear make up so this is probably going to be really inaccurate and wrong so I apologize)

She didn't put much make up on her, and Tessa's skin was pale to the point where no concealer would match her. Cecily decided simply to put a bit of blush on her and focus on her eyes. Working quickly yet accurately, Cecily applied a white, light gray, and light blue eyeshadow blend as eyeshadow and moved on to eyeliner. With a slight flick of her wrist, Cecily applied a slight wing. Not very noticeable, but it looked great. Next, Cecily applied mascara in the same speedy manner. Last, the master artist focused on Tessa's lips. She put a lipstick on them that was close to the shade Tessa's lips already were, but a tint or two (A.N. or several, again I don't really know the differences between tints of lipstick.) more red.

When Cecily was done, she grinned with pride and handed Tessa a mirror. Tessa gasped slightly when she saw herself, she liked it though. It didn't feel like a pile of fake stuff on her, and she found it made her amused more than anything else. She wondered what kind of art could be made on one's own face. Tessa was interrupted in her admiration by the artist herself, "Do you like it?"   Tessa quickly replied, "You did fabulously, Cecily! Now it's time for me to do your hair and make up!" Cecily sat down in front of her and Tessa began to work. Soon, Cecily's hair was braided to the back like Tessa's, but Tessa had decided to do a 'fish tail' braid. It suited Cecily greatly. Next, Tessa got her shot at the make up.

Tessa was nervous at first, but she quickly found that she was rather good at the whole make up thing. And it was fun! Tessa started off with foundation and worked her way to the last touch of pink lipstick that made Cecily seem soft and sweet. Tessa had learned yesterday as they visited the school's gym, Cecily was trained in fighting from the age of five. Now, however, she looked so dainty that upon simply looking at her, you would think she had never even heard of fighting. When she was done, she placed the mirror in Cecily's hands. What if she doesn't like it? She did such a great job on mine... Fortunately, Tessa was woken up from her thoughts by her roommate squealing with joy and hugging her. Cecily laughed, "Tessa, you did a great job! I love it."

Tessa joined her in her laughing  and the girls each went to their closet and pulled out the school uniforms. The uniform had a dark blue skirt that matched Cecily's eyes perfectly, white knee socks, and a white button up shirt. It was worn with black flats, in Tessa's case, and a cardigan that was the same color as the  skirt. Once Tessa was completely ready, she glanced at her clock and she saw that it said 7:00. Looking for something to do, Tessa decided on making sure she had everything she needed for her day. First, Tessa made sure she had her schedule and a school map in her folder.

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