Chapter 6 - Mortmain

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*This starts when Will first sees Tessa in the lobby, there will be some overlapping with the text messages which I will skip, so if you want to double check what they were, they are all in the last chapter. This Chapter might be a little bit short.


 Will was talking to Cecily about how we would kill someone if he was roomed with Mortmain, when Tessa walked in. "Honestly, I don't see how I'll get away from them if..." Will trailed off the second he saw her and began to stare at her, a slight smile coming to his face. Cecily followed his gaze and saw Tessa, she grinned openly and began to wave her over. Tessa noticed and walked towards them. The whole time, Will was lightly tapping his sister's shoulder, hoping she would stop. Cecily only shook her head no at him quickly, and continued. When Tessa walked over, he stopped and began to blush.

"H- hello." Tessa stuttered,  "I remember you from the mall. I'm really sorry for running into you, I really didn't mean to hurt you at all." Tessa had turned to Will to apologize and he still did nothing. Will's thoughts had taken over all of his ability to function,  You made Tessa cry! You actual idiot oh my goodness she is going to feel bad. Talk! She is going to think you are more stupid then you really are. Cecily saw her brother struggling, so she answered for him, "It's okay, it's nice to meet you. I'd like to apologize for my brother over here, he's a bit slow sometimes," Will turned to glare at his sister, but when he saw Tessa struggle to stop from laughing he calmed down, and Cecily continued, " My name is Cecily and this is my brother Will. What's your name?"

Tessa smiled and replied, "My name is Tessa. Tessa Gray. You know, I have a friend named Will who lives near here. It'd be funny if you two ever met." She joked. Will's thoughts continued, You have no clue. At least she doesn't know it's you. Okay so this is okay. I just realized I'm not doing anything, she'll think Cecily is right about me. I need to speak. Suddenly, Will's thoughts were interrupted by Tessa. "Cecily is such a beautiful name. Where's it from?" Tessa asked. Will's mind ran away again, Her hand just went to her phone. I've told her about me being Welsh, don't tell her Cecily! Cecily answered anyways, not aware of what was happening in Will's mind, answered. "Oh, it's Welsh! Thank you! Our family was originally from Wales and we still use a lot of Welsh origins."

Cecily's name was then called up and she looked excitedly at Tessa when she came back. "Tessa, looks like we're rooming together!" Cecily squealed. Tessa ran out and hugged her, and Tessa looked surprised when she hugged back. "I finally get a nice roommate this year! Oh, we can be friends!" Cecily continued like that for a while, and with a nod to the secretary, she took Tessa to their room. 

Will was left alone, shaking his head to clear himself of the dizziness that flooded his head when he saw Tessa. Across the room, Mortmain walked in with his group of idiots and made his way to Will. Will took a quick breath and met him in the middle of the room. Mortmain smiled, his yellow teeth showing. "Do you still want to leave? You're free game if you do." Mortmain growled. Will shook his head fiercely, looking Mortmain straight in the eyes. In response, Mortmain gazed back with a cool expression and said, "And your sister?" Will's eyes hardened even more and he responded, "That's why I'm going to offer to do you one more favor. Something I can do this week."

 Mortmain nodded and contemplated his choices, he asked, "Do you want us to keep quiet about what you've done already?" Will nodded, trying not to allow the thought to slip into his mind. After a few minutes of contemplation, Mortmain decided. "I need one thousand dollars to keep from going near your sister, and I want that new girl that just went up with her. The brunette." Will tried not to allow his anger to show at the last request, he kept a straight face and responded, "And if she won't?" 

Mortmain again took a second to pause, "If she won't, then I want you to hurt her. I don't really care how." Before Will could speak again, his name was called up. He looked at Mortmain and nodded quickly before getting his room number and roommate name. When he saw the paper, he felt relieved. The name on it was James Carstairs, one of the few tolerable people at this school. He grabbed his things and went to his assigned room number. He looked around and saw that Jem had not yet arrived, so Will set his things down on the bed near the window. He pulled put his phone and talked to Tessa for a while. After a bit, Tessa didn't respond so Will put his phone up. 

Will flipped on the TV and began to watch How I Met Your Mother when Jem came in. Jem smiled and set his stuff down. "Will, how was the break?" he asked politely. Will turned to him and answered, "It was great, what about yours?" Jem nodded and sat down next to his stuff. "It's been fine, but I'm ready to go back to school." 

"Same here, do you want to go to the library with me? I was planning on getting a few books for this semester." Will explained.

Jem nodded his head yes, and grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet. Together, the boys made their way to the library. Once they got there, Will headed to the classics. There, he picked up Vathek by William Beckford. Next, he got some books on Psychology and a few of the other periods he had to take. When he got all of the books he wanted, Will made his way to the couch to read a bit until Jem was finished. After a few minutes, Jem came to get him and at the corner of the room, Will saw Mortmain. 

Will leaned over to Jem and whispered, "Mortmain's here. I need to not be noticed." Jem nodded his head and replied, "Leave your books here and I'll get them. Just wait outside and I'll meet you there." Will nodded his head in appreciation and then ran outside. Once a minute or two passed, Jem came out with an armful of books. "You read this much?"Jem asked, handing the books to Will. Will joked, "Nah, I give them to my minions and they absorb the information for me." Jem shook his head and laughed. "You know, I think Tatiana would read a book if it got you to like her." Jem teased. At that, Will groaned, "Please don't remind me."

Together the two boys went upstairs and turned on the TV again. Jem flipped the channel until they got to How I Met Your Mother. Will nodded his head and together they watched. After about an episode, Cecily texted him. When he put his phone back down, he realized his hands were red from him clenching his fist when Cecily told him Tessa liked someone. Now, with a smirk, he realized he might have a chance. As long as he pushed her away at first. Jem noticed his friend's expression and questioningly tilted his head, "What's up, man?" Will changed his expression quickly and stood up, "I'm hungry. Do you want to eat?" To answer, Jem grabbed his coat and laughed, "How about I race you to the car?" 

The two boys sprinted and managed to get into the same lift down to the dorm lobby. "I ran so much faster than you!" Will panted. Jem was standing up, and he had gotten his breathing to go back to normal, and he laughed, "But I can still beat you to the car!" Just then, the elevator door once again opened, and the two friends again sprinted out. On the way to the car, both of the boys bumped into the Lightwood brothers. Will immediately shifted his expression into a scowl as he noticed who it was. He almost shouted, sarcastic as ever, "Look! It's the wonderful Lightworm brothers!" 

The older boy, Gideon Lightwood, only shook his head and placed his hand on his younger brother's shoulder and tried to steer him away from what Gideon saw as nothing more than an idiotic bully. Gideon's brother, Gabriel Lightwood, took Will's attitude as a challenge. "If you don't shut up, you stupid Herondale git, I will knock you into tomorrow!" Gabriel fumed. Will only laughed in response and continued to flip Gabriel off. Gabriel was done. He marched straight up to Will and continued to punch him, right in his face. Will only laughed cruelly and looked directly into Gabriel's eyes. "You honestly punch about as strongly as my sister did when she was five years old." 

Jem then grabbed Will and dragged him out, taking him to McDonald's. "If you keep his up for much longer, you'll be murdered. I swear... Are you hurt?" Jem ranted. Will was about to answer when he checked the time on his phone. Tessa still hadn't posted, and it was the longest she had taken since she first started her accounts. "One second, Jem, I need to talk to someone really quickly." Will dismissed. Tessa answered almost immediately and informed him that she and Cecily were going to go explore. Will placed his phone back into his pocket and glanced over at Jem. Jem took the last bite of his food and looked at Will expectantly. "If you're done, do you want to order some sundaes and the go back to the dorm?" Jem asked. Will replied, "Yeah! I need my energy if I'm going to crush everyone in our first gym football game." 

Jem rolled his eyes and together the two went up to their dorms to watch TV and eat sundaes until they fell asleep.

(A.N. I'm going to post once every other day for a while because I'm starting to fall behind a little bit.)

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