Chapter 15 - Poetry and Plans

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The four new friends had to stop laughing as Mrs. Teacher walked in. She suspiciously glanced from one kid to another, until Jem broke the silence by muttering something about having to go. Mrs. Teacher began to file some papers and Tessa went with Luna to talk.

Their voices dropped down to a whisper and Luna began, "Okay so you know the music I showed you?" Tessa nodded in response.

Luna continued, "I was wondering if you wanted to form a band. Cecily, Sophie, and I have talked about it before, but they would want it to be all girls and friends of ours and we needed a keyboard player if I was going to play guitar," Luna paused for a second when she saw Tessa's eyes widen, but continued anyways, "Anyways, I was wondering if you could. We could practice today after school. And trust me, if you get scared or anything we'll help you. So, what do you say?"

Taking a second to respond, Tessa glanced into Luna's eyes. They seemed so hopeful, and they made Tessa's choice that much more difficult. "I'll... I'll do it. Actually, I even have some songs you might want to look at." Tessa answered.

Luna squealed and hugged Tessa excitedly. "Yay! Okay, so practice tonight?" she squeaked. Tessa was about to nod her head yes, when she remembered that she was meeting Will. "Oh, um, can we move it to tomorrow, please?" Tessa asked.

"I think that'd be fine. If you don't mind, why not tonight?" Luna whispered, still smiling from earlier. Tessa didn't know why, but she began to blush when she mumbled, "It's nothing, I'm meeting someone. A friend."

"Ooh, and is it a friend or a friieeenndd?" Luna drawled the last 'friend' out and wiggled her eyebrows. Tessa squirmed in her seat uncomfortably, "Just a friend," Tessa noticed Luna's skeptic expression, "Really. No feelings. Okay?"

Luna opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Will. "So, Tess, what did we do in class yesterday?" he asked lamely. He seemed a bit pale. Tessa was thankful for the distraction and turned to him. "Oh, we just did a review of basic grammar rules and such. We're going over poetry today, I think." Tessa responded.

Will glanced at the book on Tessa's desk, and said, "Wuthering Heights, too? Are you a fan of all of the classics?" Tessa reached for the book instinctively, but drew her hands back after realizing what she did. She laughed a bit, "Everyone I've read, but I guess at some point I'll probably find one I don't like. Like a really bad fanfiction, but from the 1800's."

Tessa relaxed as Will laughed at her joke. Will joked back, "1800's smut, a.k.a. Ankles." It was Tessa's turned to laugh. She looked over to get Luna to see that she was looking at the two of them very confused. "You like fanfiction?" she finally asked, directing her attention to Will. He glanced between the two before he answered, "Yes. I do happen to read a bit. Do you mind not..."

Mrs. Teacher walked up to the front of the room and called for class to start before Luna could answer, but Tessa saw her mouth the words 'Your secret is safe' to Will before turning to Mrs. Teacher.

The class went relatively quickly, and with five minutes to spare in class, Mrs. Fangirl announced, "Today your homework is to write a narrative. As short or as long as the story needs, I want to see your natural abilities, so don't worry far to much about it. When the bell rings, you're dismissed."

Tessa began to write, when she noticed that Will was looking at her. "What's wrong?" she asked, looking up from her paper. Will looked as if he was pulled from some sort of deep thought, and Tessa couldn't help but think he looked handsome. Wait, no. Bad Tessa. He might objectively be kind of handsome. Yeah, that's all. Tessa thought.

Will answered, "Nothing, I was just thinking about what to write about," all of a sudden he began to smile, "Actually, I think I may have something. Anyways, what are you writing about?" Tessa glanced at her paper and back at Will, and decided to be honest. For some reason, Will felt familiar. Like someone she could trust.

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