Chapter 12 - The Debate

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(A.N. 12 Chapters and we're still on the first day. Yup. Okay so I was thinking that I definitely won't get to Valentines day by Valentines day, so I'll interrupt the book with a one shot on Valentines. It'll still be Wessa. Thanks for reading!)

The first thing Will noticed when he walked into the debate room was Tessa. For a second, she glanced at him, but it was extremely short lived. Will sat on the opposite side of the room as Tessa, allowing plenty of space to pay attention to class.

As soon as the bell rang, Mrs. Branwell started the class. "Hello, everybody. Today we will be practicing debating rather than just study it. You will work in groups of three, which will be decided by drawing names out of a hat. Three people for pro and three for con. Three topic total, considering there are eighteen of you. Our topics are Cellphones in School, E-Books, and if we should still use Textbooks rather than converting to computers. Now for groups." Mrs. Branwell instructed.

Will watched as Mrs. Branwell pulled the names out, and he couldn't help but be a bit sad when he found out Tessa wouldn't be in his group. "Will Herondale: Pro - E-Books" It's for the best. Anyways, she hates e-books. It's for the best. He willed himself to be happy of the separation until he saw that she was placed on the con side of e-books. Not this again, she's never going to give it up. Will thought, remembering a conversation from a few months ago.

*Text Flashback*

Nerd_Ruler: I still don't know why you hate e-books so much.

Ships-For-Days: Nothing compares to a real book. The feel of it, that new book smell.

Nerd_Ruler: That sounds creepy.

Ships-For-Days: It does not.. And either way you get the point.

Nerd_Ruler: But e-books are cheaper in most cases and easier to store. And more efficient.

Ships-For-Days: What if there's no wifi? A book that can only be read with wifi is not more efficient at all.

Nerd_Ruler: Most places have wifi.

Ships-For-Days: Not true! And what about the blue light stuff that keeps people up all night?

Nerd_Ruler: Books do that anyways.

Ships-For-Days: Not to everybody, and not scientifically.

Nerd_Ruler: I give. My sister wants to watch TV with me, so later.

Ships-For-Days: Later!

*Flashback Over*

"Now that everybody is set up, let's start. Group one!" Mrs. Branwell called. The first group was okay, but not particularly brilliant. "Group Two!"

Will nervously gulped, and then tried to give a simple, confident grin.

"Hello, class. Today my group will be arguing that e-books are superior to paper books," Will began, and two kids that knew him from Mortmain were surprised to see him not make a joke, "This is due to e-books having a wide selection of books. From magazines to the classics. E-books also are much less likely to be damaged, considering they're just files. Not only that, but there is the matter of cost and how easy e-books are to store. Over one thousand books can be read on one tablet."

A Strange Way / WessaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon