Wessa Valentine's One Shot

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(A.N. This is a Valentine's A.U. for Wessa where they're a modern college couple. This doesn't have anything to do with the story line of this fanfiction. It's just Valentine's Day and I wanted to write a little one shot.)


I woke up to my alarm blaring at 4:00 AM and sigh. I walked downstairs to get some breakfast and get ready when all of a sudden, my boyfriend popped up from behind the kitchen counter. "Tess! Guess what day it is?" I craned my head to try to look over to the calendar posted on the refrigerator, but Will was standing directly in front of it.

"Will, honey. It's 4 in the morning. I don't have proper brain function." I whispered while I walked up to him to kiss his cheek. At the last moment, Will turned his face so that instead of his cheek, and I ended up kissing his lips. The kiss was soft and gentle at first, but Will gripped  my waist, pulling me closer to him, and started kissing me more fiercely. Next, he switched us so that I was pinned against the fridge.

"That's fine, babe," Will said in between kisses, as he moved down to my neck, "Happy Valentine's Day."

I stumbled backwards, finally realizing the date "Ohhh. I have your present in my room, just let me go get it." I began to walk to my room, but Will gently caught my wrist before I could reach the door, and he gave me a kiss on my hand. "Okay, but you have to let me take you out on a date. All day."

Will released my hand then, after I had nodded. I could heel the hear rising in my cheeks. "Lets eat some breakfast, shall we?" he asked, sitting down. I got some waffles from the freezer and through them into the toaster and sat back down with Will. Next, we ate and when I was done I began to walk to my room. "Where are you going?" Will exclaimed. I laughed and replied, "To get your present. And to get ready."

"So, darling, do you need any help getting dressed?" Will suggested with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and then walked into my room without him.

I put on a dark blue dress that matched Will's shirt and a leather jacket. That's when I heard the old box TV in my living room turn on, and Will laughed. "Really, Tess? Beauty and the Beast?" he yelled, laughing the whole time. "It's good!" I exclaimed, and then started on my makeup. When I was done, I walked into the living room to see Will watching Tarzan. I fell to the floor, laughing. "Oh. 'Cause Tarzan is soo much better than Beauty and the Beast." I said sarcastically.

Will turned off the TV and tickled me. "Tarzan wins. Tarzan is king of jungle." Will laughed. I could barely speak, but I managed to get out, "If- you- don't- stop. I- will- break-your- face." Will stopped tickling me and instead picked me up and whispered in my ear, "Really, Tessa? I thought you loved my face." I couldn't help but blush, but I quickly recovered by rolling my eyes and kissing him.

After that, he let me down and we both started to laugh. "Are you ready to go, Tessa?" Will asked with a smirk. "Yeah, sure." I answered. That's when Will blindfolded me.

We both laughed the whole way down to Will's car, as Will guided me down. Honestly, he might have been more nervous leading me than I was by being blindfolded and taken to some mysterious place. "Will, why are we going so slow. I won't break, you know." I whispered. Will continued to walk carefully, with his hands gripped around my waist. "You're very important to me, so I must take extra precautions." He replied.

After a while, we got to the car and Will sat me down in the passengers seat. I was still blindfolded the whole time we were driving, but Will kept his spare hand in mine the whole time and it helped to calm me. After around ten minutes, Will stopped and led me into a warm building. The smell of books flooded my senses and I squealed, "Library!" Will laughed and removed my blindfold.

The library was rid of any people other than Will and I, and there were candles on all of the spare spots. I turned to Will and thanked him, then I ran to the books. Once I browsed for a bit, I decided to start another reread of Great Expectations. I laid down and Will came to join me, a copy of Vathek in his hands. We read in silence for a while, and Will absentmindedly stroked my hair.

Once  a few hours of reading had gone by, Will's phone played an alarm. He got up, and extended his hand to me. "Time for lunch. There's a cafe nearby, and I'm getting hungry." he smiled. I sighed, but took his hand anyways, closing my book.

We got back into the car and in a few minutes, we arrived at a small cafe called Cafe Idris. It was pretty, and had gold accents everywhere. "It's beautiful." I muttered as we walked in, it really was so beautiful. Will chuckled and continued to lead me in, and we ordered tea and little sandwiches. Will joked around most of the time, and I couldn't stop laughing. Then, I remembered my present to him.

"Oh, Will! I never gave you your present," I exclaimed as I handed him a gift box, "This is our fifth Valentine's day together, as a couple." Will took the box and opened it, and he smiled. The gift was a copy of Vathek (which Will surprisingly did not have yet) and a small box tied to the top of the book. In the smaller box, there was a watch that said 'Mine' in calligraphy. "I love it, Tess, thank you. If you don't mind, though, I'd like to wait to give you your present until later."

I was a bit confused, but still nodded my head 'yes'. We left around an hour later, making it 3:30 in the afternoon. Next, Will drove us to the movie theater and we watched a romantic movie. Neither of us were hungry after lunch, but we still got slushies. The movie was great, and when I started to cry, Will wiped my tears away and kissed me.

The movie was over at around 6 o' clock and we got back in the car again. "Where are we going now?" I laughed, thouroughly enjoying my day. "We're going to dinner. How does Olive Garden sound?" Will answered, looking a bit nervous. I noticed this and took his spare hand. "It's great, Will. This whole day has been amazing, thanks to you." I smiled.

Will smiled back at me and continued to drive. Soon, we got to Olive Garden and the waiter led us straight to our seats. "I made a reservation" Will said, noticing my confused expression. We ate and laughed and talked about life until we were both done eating. Will was behaving strangely, and kept fiddling with something in his jacket pocket.

(A.N. I'm going a bit fast for a whole day, but I'm tired and it's midnight and I have homework)

After dinner, Will drove us down to Hyde Park. We stopped and sat on a bench right by the lake, and I just took in the scenery and Will. Somehow Will outshone all of the stars in the sky. I looked out to the clear lake, not noticing Will getting down on one knee right in front of me. Will tapped my knee.

I got a little bit teary eyed when I saw Will, but he once again wiped away my tears. "Tessa, I love you, with all of my soul, which is why I ask you. Marry me. Marry me, Tess. Marry me and be called Tessa Herondale. Or be Tessa Gray, or whatever you wish to call yourself, but marry me and stay with me and never leave me, for I could not bear a single day of my life without you in it. There are no words to say how much you mean to me and how nervous I am right now because I could never stand to lose you. So, please, marry me?" Will asked, and I felt tears stinging my eyes. In that moment, only one word came to mind.

"Yes." I repeated, "Yes, yes, yes, yes. For I love you William Herondale and I always will."

Will and I leaned into each other and kissed. And I was truly the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. Best. Valentine's. Day. Ever.

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