Chapter 8 - Tessa's Morning Classes

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*So I just realized that I'm treating this like the first day of the school year when it's really based off of right after they would have had Winter Break. These feel pretty short to me, but it's the same word count as the rest, so I don't know.


Luna led Tessa down to the Mathematics room, humming something along the way. Tessa listened intently, and right before the two got to the door she exclaimed, "LA Devotee, Panic! At the Disco" Tessa's eyes gleamed with recognition. Luna's smiled widely and replied, "Yeah! You listen to Panic! at the Disco?"

Tessa nodded her head and exclaimed, "And love all of the songs!" With something in common with her new friend, Tessa pushed the doors to the classroom open. The room was a fairly normal size, but there were only around 15 desks, so it felt very open. Because they were one of the first students there, the girls got to choose where they sat. Tessa looked around a bit and chose the front row, and a few desks to the right. It was perfect. They were at the front for maximum learning, but not at the center with the pressure to be a genius or entertaining.

After the rest of the students filed in, the teacher came in. He looked around 35 or so years old, with dark brown hair. He had a slight goatee and bright green eyes. "Hello, class. I am Mr. Sir and I will be your advanced Mathematics teacher. This is the first day, so I'd like to focus on relearning the way you think. The more I can understand you, the better I can teach you. For that, we'll play a small game." Mr. Sir smiled, he seemed friendly. Before he started, however, he took role. "Oh! I forgot we had a new student. I apologize. I'd like to introduce Miss Theresa Gray!" he introduced.

Tessa nervously sat up and half raised her hand to wave, "Um, hi! I'm Tessa, Tessa Gray. From New York in America. Lovely to meet you all." Tessa sat back down quickly, and received a few amused looks from her fellow students. Mr, Sir acted as if he did not just see Tessa fail to confidently introduce herself, and led the class in the game. "Okay, so we will go around in order of the role call sheet and the student one from them on the list will ask that student a question. There are only ten of you here, so there should be 100 questions. Each person asks and gets asked 10 questions total. Only questions I deem appropriate will have to be answered, though." Mr. Sir explained. With a round of nods from the class, the game began. (A.N. Okay so I am going to use fictional character's names that have nothing to do with the story. The only ones that really matter are Tessa and Luna.)

Klaus Baudelaire (Series of Unfortunate Events)
Amy Cahill (39 Clues)
Dan Cahill (39 Clues)
Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson series)
Todd Hewitt (Knife of Never Letting Go)
Luna Faith
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter series)
Tessa Gray
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter series)
Leo Valdez (Percy Jackson series)

Klaus looked up from his book and turned to Amy, "Can you explain to me all escape routes you might know about this school in case of an... emergency?" he asked. Surprisingly, Amy nodded and handed him a map, "I have a copy outlining them, actually. Okay, Dan, are you really going to sleep on time every night?" Amy already knew the answer, and she saw her brother quickly nod his head no. "No... Anyways, you're next Annabeth. Do you like competition or puzzles more?"

Annabeth thought for a second and replied, "If I could mix both, that would be great, but I suppose I'd have to go with competition. Todd? Do you have any pets?" Todd teared up and solemnly said, "Yes, but... he died. The bravest dog I ever knew and I didn't even appreciate him. Sorry, it's just kind of an open wound for me. Anyways, what are your hobbies, I guess?"

Luna still looked concerned for Todd, but she answered, "I like to listen to music and read. I also really like to make stuff, draw, and write. Hermione! Your name is from Shakespeare, isn't it? I have a copy of some of his works, paraphrased of course, right here and I swear I've read it. I just don't remember where..." Hermione relied, "Yes, actually. My parents wanted a bit of a unique name. Anyways, Luna? What are you interested in career wise?"

Luna immediately gave her dream, "I want to be an author for fictional books. Kind of a dream, really. What's your favorite ice cream flavor, Draco?" Draco gave a bit of a frown and spit, "It's mint, and frankly I am surprised mint is not everybody's favorite flavor." (A.N. I love mint, but everyone else likes chocolate more so I wrote somebody as loving mint. Although, I don't agree with Draco in the sense that everybody should love mint because then they'd only sell mint and we'd get sick of it so hooray for all ice cream flavors!) Continuing, Draco turned to Leo and questioned, "Do you want to be some kind of inventor or engineer? You keep playing with random stood in your ugly belt's pockets."

Leo's eyes sharpened at Draco for insulting his tool belt, but he remained calm and retorted, "My tool belt that is better looking than you, here, is helping me to become a mechanic. I'm already an inventor. I guess this is end of Round One. Klaus Baudelaire, what in the world are you reading?" Klaus glanced up from his book and said, "A dictionary. It's always good to have a large vocabulary."

The next rounds came with limited amounts of real excitement, at least until Luna got to ask Tessa a question, "Do you ship?" Those three simple words made Tessa's eyes light up and she exclaimed, "Yes, yes, yes! So much!" After that, the rest if the game went back to normal. When they were all done, Mr. Sir proclaimed, "Excellent job, students. You now get to ask me one question, and decide as a class. Class is dismissed in three minutes." All of the students gathered together and with a suggestion from Todd, they decided with 30 seconds left to spare. "How much homework do you usually plan on giving this class per night?" They all rushed. Mr. Sir chuckled, "Sorry to break it to you, but you will have around 50 problems a day starting tomorrow." The kids sighed in answer, enjoying their last taste of freedom.

The bell rang, and Luna directed Tessa to her history classroom. When she walked in, Tessa saw Cecily sitting at the far left side of the classroom. "Tessa!" she yelped. Tessa hurried and grabbed the seat next to her dorm friend. There were several students already there, so only one more arrived after Tessa. When the last student walked in, their teacher stood up. "Hello, for those of you who are new here, I'm Mrs. Branwell. I teach the history classes and debate. Today is the first day since the break, so a lot of students are new. Let's do a quick review of what we've done last year." Mrs. Branwell went on to explain very shortly what they had gone over.

About halfway through, Cecily turned and whispered to Tessa, "I know she may seem really serious, but Branwell is one of the best teachers I've ever had. She actually teaches while being nice, you know? She's cool." Tessa smiled and replied, "Thank goodness, I've had Mr. Sir and he seems nice, too." Cecily smiled and nodded, turning back to her seat.  Once the class was finished, Cecily lead Tessa to the Creative Writing classroom. "My class is two rooms to the left, so if you need me I'm cool." Cecily explained. "Thanks! Writing is kind of my thing, though, so hopefully I'll be alright. See you at lunch!" Tessa thanked, walking into her classroom.

Luna was already in her seat when Tessa walked in, sitting in the end seat of the front row. There were 5 seats in each row and three rows. Tessa sat right next to her, and the rest of the class filled in. Everyone avoided the front center, knowing that whoever sat there was automatically assigned to be the smartest one. Nobody really wanted that pressure in this class.

The teacher, Mrs. Teacher, had just finished taking role and began to review last semester's lesson when a black haired  blue eyed boy walked in. Tessa recognized him immediately, but he was different this time. Both times she had seem him previously, he had looked shocked and a bit scared. This time, however, he wore an all-knowing smirk and barely acknowledged her existance. Will looked around the room quickly and saw that the only available was the center front, right beside Tessa. A few kids in the back rolled their eyes at him as he handed the teacher a slip of paper and took his seat. 

(A.N. Should I pick up the pace on this story a bit? I feel like I'm starting to bore you guys a bit.)

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