Chapter 20 - The Party

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Friday, after school.

Will's P.O.V.

What am I even doing? I mean, she said she'd go with me, but is it a pity thing? It's not like she has way too many options, and we did agree to go as friends. Whatever, we're going. That's all that matters. Just two friends going to a party. What do I wear? Maybe if I ask Cecily... Will was abruptly  interrupted from his thoughts by a knock at the door.

"Hey, who's there?" Will called, getting off of his bed. He was answered by his sister opening his door and tackling him in a hug.

"Will, you finally did it! I'm so proud of my brother, you're growing up," Cecily exclaimed, "Just don't leave. I'm getting Tessa ready because I don't want her in a Harry Potter t-shirt. She's going to wear red, so you should too."

Cecily stood up and went to Will's clothes. "Okay, red button up and a black silk blazer and where in the world are your dress pants that fit?" Will caught the clothes that his sister threw at him.

Will rolled his eyes and responded, " Those don't exist, Cece." Cecily glared at him for a few seconds, but turned back around to his clothes and threw a pair of black jeans at him. "What is with the throwing?" Will asked after being hit in the face with a belt.

"I'm dressing you, and Tessa and I are going to binge watch some hot youtubers, so go into the bathroom and get dressed." Cecily answered, shoving Will into the bathroom and slamming the door closed.

Soon, Will was dressed and came out. Cecily clapped her hands and laughed. "Yes, brother dear. My creation is perfect." Cecily then checked her watch. "Okay, don't mess up your outfit. Fix your hair or something and dear goodness please brush your teeth like six times. I've got to go help your lady get ready now."

"She's not my lady, sis, but thanks." Will called as Cecily left the room to go get Tessa. What if Tessa wants to date? No Will that's stupid. But maybe... We'll find out I guess.

Tessa's P.O.V

Cecily came back into the room with two mochas for them as Tessa was binge watching Nerdy Nummies. "Cecily we really have to make these one day. Oh yeah, I wrote a song for you guys to look over. Chords are pretty simple. And thank you for this." Tessa said, grabbing a mocha from Cecily.

"Speaking of pretty, it is time for us to get ready." Cecily suggested walking over to their closets. She found a short red dress and pulled it out of the closet, tossing it onto Tessa's bed. "For you." Next, she pulled out a violet blue dress for her. It reminded Tessa of Will, and she again thought of their friendship. Could I love him? Or is he truly just a playboy like with everyone here. No, of course not... We'll find out I guess.

Tessa picked up the red dress and put it on. It was a two piece with a poofed out skirt and a long sleeve of lace on top. In all honesty, Tessa thought the dress might be a bit to scandalous to wear to the party, but Cecily seemed so happy.

Tessa put in her dress and Cecily cane out of the bathroom with hers on. It hung close to her skin, going slightly above her knee and it had sparkles all around it. No matter what way she turned, the light caught the dress. "Cecily you look beautiful!" Tessa exclaimed. Cecily responded, " You too! Think you can drop your own makeup? I've taught you, it is now time for the student to become the master."

Tessa nodded and went to her makeup table. It only took one episode of Doctor Who to finish up. She had done the full deal. Eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick that matched her dress, and contouring. It looked just like Cecily's work.

"I'm proud, my duckling!" Cecily cried. Overall, Tessa was proud of herself. They fixed each others hair half up and in curls so that they were matching. By the time they were done it was almost time to go, so Tessa picked up the phone to text Will.

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