Chapter 4 - Packing up

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Will was watching Tessa from across the bookstore, his heart fluttering at the sight of Tessa holding the book he had been reading only minutes ago. Tessa was completely engrossed in her book, and she never failed to look breath talking to Will. She sat, huddled in the corner of the room, when she got to a sad part, Will wished he could be there to talk to her and make her happier, instead of simply watching her cry and kiss the corners of the pages.

I wish I was those pages. I am most definitely a better thing to kiss than those books. Will thought bitterly. Suddenly, Cecily tapped his shoulder. "We have to go to the house and get everything we left there." she said gently. Will nodded and with one last look at Tessa, he left the store and got to the car. When Cecily and Will were halfway to their house, Will got an alert. 

Ships-For-Days: I just realized you remind me of Asher! (A.N. I made that up and it's not a reference to an actual character. It's kind of a reference to something else I've been working on, but not.)

Nerd_Ruler: Is that an indirect way of telling me I am dead inside?

Ships-For-Days: Yessss. 

Will smiled to himself, having already read the book he knew that around when Asher was about to die was when she began to kiss the pages.

Nerd_Ruler: I thought you loved Asher? You'd really let me have him?

Ships-For-Days: Can we share??

Nerd_Ruler: Sounds great.

Ships-For-Days: Oh yeah! So I get to move into my dorm today and I cannot wait to meet my room mate! If we don't end up being friends I will literally dieeee.

Nerd_Ruler: Same here I think we're all starting at our dorms today, but I already have friends here.

Ships-For-Days: WHAT? I have a friend here.

Will tensed, remembering her outside of Victoria's Secret with a bag in her hand.

Nerd_Ruler: A boy?

Ships-For-Days: I believe he is, unless there is some news he'd like to tell me...

Will was ready to punch someone, but first he had to make sure he had the right person to punch.

Nerd_Ruler: Who?

Ships-For-Days: IT'S LITERALLY YOU WILL. Are we no longer besties? or did one of the ducks hurt you in the head?

Will relaxed extremely and realized he had been clenching his fists so hard that his fingernails had dug into his skin, making parts bleed.

He sighed and smiled again, before he texted her back Cecily smirked at him, "You thought that lingerie was for a boy, didn't you?" She teased. Silently, Will nodded. Cecily broke into a grin and continued, "I know exactly what she bought. It honestly looked great on her." Will turned in his seat, suddenly very interested. "What?" He asked. Suddenly, another alert came from his phone.

Ships-For-Days: The ducks really must have taken a number on you. Will! You there?

Nerd_Ruler: I was in a brutal battle with the king of ducks. I fought valiantly, but I lost many comrades.

Ships-For-Days: I can tell from the sudden brain damage of forgetting your friends.

Nerd_Ruler: Hey!

Ships-For-Days: Well I hope the ducks do not harm you. Unfortunately, I have go pack my stuff and annoy an Uber driver.

Nerd_Ruler: Oh geez, have fun.

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