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ok you said you needed space.
I've given you a whole week even though not talking to you for that long has literally killed me inside.
can we please talk about why you're so upset now.

I really don't want to talk
just PLEASE leave me alone

you know for a fact I can't just leave you alone so let's please just talk about this .
I just want to fix things between us.


One week later and there is was still no word from Landry and Ricky was growing more and more distraught. Everything was going so good between them up until that little article came out on Halloween but he didn't think it was that big of a deal, especially since Landry claimed she did not care about it.

They seemed to be moving to a place where they would be able to hang out and maybe even become more than just friends.


Ricky typically hated that word when it involved his relationship with Landry but now he longed to hear it as she may not even consider him one anymore.

Thought he had no desire of moving from his bed today, Ricky still forced himself to get up.

His breath smells reek, so he trudges over to his bathroom and begins to brush his teeth. His feels an intense hatred to the boy he's looking at in the mirror — the boy who screwed up the best thing he had.

If that boy had stayed home on Halloween he would've gotten Landry's text and maybe they would've spent that night together. Or even if that didn't happen they'd at least still be on good terms.

Not being able to look at himself any longer, he makes his way downstairs to grab some breakfast and the smell of his mom's homemade waffles is able to lift his mood up slightly.

"Look who's finally awake," Ricky's mom, Tammy, greets him pleasantly although he wasn't in such a pleasant mood. She was perkily sitting at the kitchen's granite island, scarfing down some waffles, fruit and bacon and Ricky could tell by her comfortable attire that she just returned from the gym —probably that soul cycle class she loves so much.
"Morning babe, or shall I say afternoon," she chuckles pointing to clock reading 1:24 pm.

Tammy's perky attitude was obviously not met well with someone who grumpily just woke up and has been continually upset for weeks .

"Hey mom," he sighs in reply, not in the mood to participate in the banter. After grabbing a waffle right off the waffle iron and a few strips of bacon, he stalks over to the island and takes a seat next to her.

"Has Landry still not answered?"

Of course Tammy knew all about Landry. He was definitely a momma's boy as the two very close so she's very informed when it comes to his lovelife or lack there of in this case.

She could instantly tell by his foul mood that the object of her son's affections was still icing him out. If Landry had answered their would surely be a smile on his face but the fact is Ricky is looking a glum as ever as his eyes were glued to his plate.

"Nope," he huffs, clearly frustrated. "I just don't know what to do," he groans, aggressively banging his head against the table. Tammy grabs it as he comes up adjusting his hair and giving him a kiss on the top of his head.

"How much do you like this girl?" she inquires even though she call already tell that he was absolutely head over heels.

"Definitely more than Jordan," he concludes after some thought. "More than I thought I could ever like any girl ever," he comes to admit. Ricky Garcia has to face the facts — he has it bad for Landry Bender.

"Well then, my darling. If what you say is true, I know you'll find a way to fix it, you always do."

"Was the rhyme necessary?" he groans.

"Very much so, I think I sound more inspirational that way."

Ricky rolls his eyes but stay silent knowing that rhyming really does make things sound more inspirational.


this story is so cringe lol I can't wait until it's done so I can go back and edit it all too be a little less cringe

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