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First day of school !!

Sighing, Landry reluctantly sends the text hoping to illicit a text from her friend. This is the first time she has had the courage to text Ricky since he left her on read 4 days ago. She's aware that he is extremely mad at her, although she has no idea why. She didn't really do anything wrong to her knowledge.

Rick can you answer me
I'm actually nervous as fuck
Like i don't know where to go or what I'm doing
This schools so big I'm losttttt

Why don't you text Adam

To most that would sound like a helpful suggestion but in this context it was nothing more than a bitter answer.

I honestly don't get why you're so mad
Read at 8:12 am

Ricky knew he didn't have a legitimate reason to be mad at Landry but that fact didn't lessen his anger in the slightest. He didn't know if he was mad at Landry for being with Adam, Adam for always stealing Landry or himself for falling for her. Perhaps it's a combination of the three.

Not knowing how to answer her text without exposing his true feelings for her, he choses not to answer.

After realizing that Ricky was done answering her, Landry resorts to calling Adam for what seems like the hundredth time only to once again be sent to his voicemail. She's been looking all over the gigantic school for the main office for about 20 minutes now and so far has not made any progress.

"Sorry," Landry apologizes quickly as her body abruptly makes contact with another. While she is able to keep balanced, the other body crashes to the ground.

"It's fine," a tall girl with wavy brown hair smiles assuringly as she stands back up to her feet. "I'm Olivia and you are?"

"Lost," Landry chuckles then Olivia does as well. "But my name is Landry."

"Nice to meet you Landry, are you a new student here?" Landry nods her head confirming it. "What grade are you in?"

"I'm a junior."

"Awesome, I am too. Let me see your schedule."

Landry reaches her hand into her backpack, pulling out the only sheet of paper that resides in it then hands it to Olivia.

"Oh we have gym together first period and bio third." Landry just nods her head, absorbing the information as Olivia continues to examine her schedule. "You can just stick with me, Landry."

"Oh, um thanks." she mumbles awkwardly before walking the halls with her new acquaintance. Although Landry not yet comfortable with Olivia, her presence does make this whole situation a little less scary.


I've had this chapter written for so long and thought I posted like a month ago but when I logged in today I realized it was unpublished.

Oh well here it is, sorry for the long ass wait :/

the experiment ; randryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang