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Just like the many other Disney parties Ricky has attended, the 2016 Halloween party was rather lame. It was filled with a bunch of lame Disney celebrities as Landry would call them and as Disney is a children's network, the majority of his accompaniment for the night was under the age of 13 years old.

Ricky was well aware of the night of boredom that awaited him ever since he got the informational details of this event but he was inclined to go as he figured he'd have Landry by his side. After all it seemed highly likely that she was going. To accept his invitation. Things had been going so well between them in the past few weeks, spending a night with eachother at a high-profile event just seemed like a good idea to him and he figured she would feel the same.

But she didn't.

And much to Emery's dismay, that fact alone was enough to keep Ricky in a whiny, over-analyzing, self-loathing mood for the duration of the night.

"She's with him right now," Ricky grumbles quietly. "God only knows what they're doing."

"Probably having a good time, unlike you," his band mate and best friend Emery scolds him.."Come on, dude just forget about this for tonight and have fun."

Emery was growing fed up with having to listen to his best friend's bitches and moans about Landry. Ricky was a relatively good-looking guy and could have nearly every woman fall at his feet if he wanted them too so why was he chasing after the one girl who wouldn't buy into his charms

"That's easier said than done," Ricky scoffs in reply. Ricky was trying to have fun he really was, but his mind just kept wandering to Landry and how she's probably having the time of her life with Adam.

He hated how Emery made not thinking about Landry sound like an easy task when it was the exact opposite. His friend didn't understand that people love in different ways. While Emery only began pursuing someone after it is clear that there is a mutual interest shared, Ricky could fall in love at the word hello.

"I know buddy but just try," he encourages me but I just shrug.

A sign of hope appears in Ricky's eyes as the familiar sound of a notification tone comes on. That hope is diminished within seconds when he realizes it was just the Candy Crush application letting him know that his lives had refilled.

"Pathetic," Emery groans in frustration. He had no idea how to deal with his best friend at the moment. Obviously he had witness Ricky in love before, but never has he seen him so invested in a girl. What made this a hundred times more frustrating is that he had never even met this girl he was obsessively lusting over.

In the past hour since they had arrived Ricky had been checking his phone non-stop, hoping and praying that Landry would send him a text. Emery knew the chances of his friend getting such a text were rather slim, but Ricky didn't see it that way. He was holding on to the tiny sliver of hope that maybe Landry thought about him just as much as he thought about her.

As Ricky's notification tone goes off once more only to end with him being disappointed, Emery decides he's fed up.

"That's it, bro. Give me your phone," Emery huffs as he all but yanks the phone out of Ricky's grasp.

"What the hell?" Ricky sputters starting at his friend in bewilderment.

"You have obsessedly staring at your phone all night!" Ricky opens his mouth to defend himself but Emery cuts him off before he gets the chance. "That is why, me, being the great friend I am, am going to turn this off," he explains reaching for the power button, "and keep it in my pocket. You'll get it back at the end of the night. So maybe now you can enjoy yourself instead of obsessively staring at your phone hoping some girl will decide you're worthy of her time."

the experiment ; randryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz