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"You don't need all that makeup, ya know?"

"Boy, you did not just try to tell me what to do with my body while I'm dressed as Hermione fucking Granger — a female icon who would never let any boy do what you just did," Landry scoffs teasingly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry you just already look so perfect, I dont see what makeup can do," Ricky replies shooting her a cheeky grin.

"I'm aware that I've already reached levels of perfection previously unknown to mankind, but makeup lets me enhance said perfection so shush," she retorts playfully sticking her index finger in front of her mouth .

He holds his arms up defensively saying nothing, but continues to sport a large grin on his face.

Upset that he wasn't attending tonight's Disney Halloween party with Landry like he originally planned, he decided FaceTiming her while she got ready for her party would be the next best thing.

Landry reasoned that being on FaceTime with him would be distracting to her process and proceeded to hang up on him the first 4 times he called but by the 5th she realized that she wouldn't be able to get rid of him and decided to just indulge in this needless conversation until Adam came to pick her up to go the Halloween party.

FaceTime was becoming the typical method of communication between the two friends, as they've finally evolved past texting eachother. They've spent hours FaceTime eachother over the past few weeks, having a call near every day. Only failing to do so on really busy days, where they have no choice but to resort back to texting.

"That's mascara right?" Ricky shouts out confidently as Landry holds a black tube up to her eyes. "Look at me being a makeup expert," he commends himself.

Landry looks down at the black tube in her hands laughing to herself. "It's eyeliner, mr. self-proclaimed makeup expert."

"What's that?" he asks curiously.

"It's the thing I'm literally putting on as we speak," she huffs growing increasingly irritated by his series of dumb questions. This was about the 10th one — and that's only including the makeup-centered questions.

"Lanny," Ricky squeals after a gloriously 20 seconds where he didn't speak. She was silently resentful that that couldn't have lasted forever.

"Yes, Ricardo," she sighs like a frustrated mom, who's reached the end of her patience with a young child.

"I like your hair like that," he says confidently.

Landry shifts her gaze from her phone screen to the mirror. Her typically bone-straight hair, was curled and styled into a half-up half-down to make it look a bit more Hermione-ish. She didn't curl her hair often, but she had to admit she liked it too — even more now that Ricky did as well. She wouldn't reveal that to him though as she's an independent women who refused to let a man dictate an appearance even if she did enjoy the fact that he liked it.

She was gonna give him the whole 'independent women spiel' again but with the blush creeping up on her cheeks without her having applied any, she went with a simple "thanks."

"You're cute when you blush," Ricky adds causing her to hide her face behind her hands in embarrassment. "Scratch that, you're cute all the fucking time."

He laughs hysterically as Landry shoots him a horrified look. He's aware that she gets uncomfortable when given compliments buts it's just so darn entertaining that he can't help it.

"You're the worst," she sighs, shaking her head in frustration although she couldn't suppress the small smile playing on her lips.

When the doorbell to Landry's house went off, she couldn't miss the sad look that came onto Ricky's face.

"Relax, Adam won't be here for another hour," she smirks and it instantly perks him up. Secretly she's just as happy that they get to continue talking.

So they talk and they talk until an hour has passed and Adam Westbrook is standing outside her bedroom door.

"L, it's me. You ready?" he asks as he lets himself into her bedroom. He's surprised to see Landry clutching her stomach in hysterics as some dude he's never seen before is ranting about how 'Jenny Humphrey was the literal worst gossip girl character'. "What are you watching?" Adam asks with a bewildered look on his face.

"Nothing I was just talking to my friend Ricky," she mumbles

Friend. Though it was mentioned at the volume of a whisper. It was still heard, and it still hurt. The word felt like a punch in the gut to Ricky.

"Wow L, you have friends, I'm surprised," Adam teases.

"Yup I'm L's best friend," Ricky pipes up, emphasizing the nickname previously used by Adam.

"Cute that you think that," Adam retorted in a condescending voice. "I've been L's best friend since we were kids."

"Quality over quantity, my brother," Ricky smirks,  cocking his head to the side.

The testosterone levels in this room were too much to bare even with the fact that the ones emitted by Ricky weren't even this room as he was present via FaceTime. Landry looked between the two boys and the glare on Adam's face was almost as cold as the one Ricky was sporting. She's never seen him look so fumed. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes were narrowed. He looked very different then the happy-go-lucky Ricky that typically graced her screen and she hated it.

"Welp okay," Landry cuts in feeling horribly uncomfortable at the two boys she loves most's weird jealously thing. "We should probably go,I will text you when I get in okay," she promises looking at Ricky as she motions for Adam to get out of the room.

"Okay," he mumbles frustratedly and even though she doesn't want to leave things knowing he was upset, she really had no choice at the moment. With one last sad smile, she clicked the end call button.

"That guy seems like a twat," Adam scoffs once Landry joins him in the hallway causing her to roll her eyes in annoyance.

"That's kinda presumptions Adam," she huffs defensively. "He's a good guy I promise."

"You don't like this guy, do you??" Adam chuckles condescendingly, as if liking Ricky was the worst thing she could possibly do.

"No of course not. he's just my friend."


Another chapter bc you guys were very actively commenting yesterday and that motivates me :) so I hope you guys liked it

By the way I love that you guys send me messages, but for some reason Wattpad doesn't let me respond to them??? I can only view them??? It's annoying bc I wanna talk to you guys but just know I see them and if you really need an answer just leave your email and I will get back to you

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