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Bitch come outside!!

bitch wtf??

I'm outside ur house come

well may I ask why u are currently situated outside my humble dwelling on this fine afternoon?

Bc we're gonna do fun stuff today
bring a swim suit hot stuff!! ;)


This is a quite accurate representation of how most of her hangouts with Adam were intiatied. If they weren't events or socials that their parents dragged us to, they were unannounced surprise visits where she'd
be left with no choice but to get in his car and indulge.

She looks out the window, and sure enough sees Adam's car parked on her drive way. When he notices her looking, he raises his left arm to wave at her and she politely shoots him the middle finger in response.

Lucky for Adam it was 2 in the afternoon and she was already dressed and ready for the day. She fumbled around the room to find her favourite all-black bikini, stuck it in a black tote that was lying on the floo then headed out the door.

The skies were clear, and it was incredibly sunny making it the perfect weather for a beach day which judging by Adam's request for her to bring me swimsuit, is a highly probable destination for today's events.

"I was in the middle of an episode of 'how I met your mother' you twat," she grumbles bitterly
as she makes her way into the passenger seat of the all black Range Rover Adam's parents got him for his 16th birthday.

"You've seen every episode of that show at least 3 times... I think you'll survive," he chuckles as he changes into the highway lane destined to Santa Monica which gives her a sneaky suspicion that we may be ending up at the pier today.

Moments later, her phone makes the familiar texting noise and I though she'd never admit it to anyone, not even herself, she was hoping that it was Ricky who texted her.

"Shit," she exclaim in frustration upon reading the text she just received.


"You have used 100% of your monthly cellular data," she quote word-for-word from the text I just received from cellular carrier.

"Why don't you just get an unlimited data plan, it's way less stressful," Adam suggests but she shakes my head.

"Never gonna happen," Landry groans in annoyance. "My parents are scared that if I have too much data "I'll develop a phone addiction like many of the teens out there today"," she grumbles quoting the speech from her parents that she's heard one too many times. "They read it in some parenting magazine or something."

"Sucks bro," he shrugs.

"You're not the empathetic type eh?" Landry teases before turning off her phone, deciding to take in the lovely scenery Los Angeles has to offer instead of racking up an enormous phone bill that her parents would make her jobless ass pay for.

About 20 minutes later a familiar tune pops on the radio that she can't help but smile and sing along to,

Adam stares at his best friend like she's crazy as she loudly belts out the words to Forever in Your Mind's song Sweet little Something. Although it's not her typical type of music, she had to admit that it's a pretty cute song.

"What the fuck is this?" Adam laughs as Landry continues dancing in her seat while feeling heavily restrained by the seat belt.

"Nat's always glued to the Disney Channel and they play this song so many times that the lyrics are kinda drilled into my head at this point," she lies and he simply nods not finding a reason to push it further.

In that moment she decided not to tell Adam about Ricky. She personally didn't think it was such a big deal but after the weird way Ricky reacted when she told him about Adam, she figured it would be best to avoid that happening with Adam even though she was quite sure he wouldn't find it that big of a deal. But at the same time, she also didn't want the whole world finding out about her friendship with Ricky Garcia. He was kind of like her little secret and she kind of wanted to keep it that way.


"Boy am I tired," Landry mumbles to herself as she launches herself onto her twin bed.

Adam basically spent the day dragging around town all day from the Santa Monica Pier, to Huntington Beach to downtown Hollywood but she knew she couldn't really complain because he bought her food.

As her phone connects back into wifi she hears the familiar sound for her notification
go off repeatedly and rolls over to her nightstand to see a few texts from Ricky.

if you aren't busy today I was hoping we can finally hang out.
after all we do live like 20 minutes away from eachother and have never met.
We can like celebrate you're last full day before you're trapped at school.
delivered at 11:27 am
delivered at 12:06 pm
If you didn't want to chill you could've just said so...
delivered at 8:13 pm
Oh I get it now.
Why would you ever want to spend time with me when there's Adam around.

@adamwestbrook: Celebrated our last weekend of freedom before school @landrybender

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@adamwestbrook: Celebrated our last weekend of freedom before school @landrybender

I ran out of data so I just got your texts
If I saw them earlier I swear I would've hung out with you today
I'm sorry :(
read at 11:38 pm

Frustrated, Landry chucks her phone at a wall, silently praying that it didn't crack but too upset to check. Somehow she always managed to screw up things with Ricky no matter how hard she tried not to.

"Lan?" she barely hears Natalie's voice. Her whisper was barely audible. She notices her little sister standing in the entryway to her room, slightly leaning against the door. "Are you okay?" she asks, though it didn't come out any louder than her previous statement.

Landry tries her hardest to fake a smile as she mutters a very unconvincing, "I'm fine," at the child.

"Then why are you crying?" Natalie questions curiously, and it's only then that Landry realizes that a small amount of tears have been flowing out of her eyes.

Not knowing what to say, Landry simply tries to wipe the tears away, not wanting her little sister to see her hero in such a vulnerable state.

Natalie heads over to her Landry's bed and wraps her arms around her's emotionally confused sister in a tight hug hoping that it will at least help a bit, and it did.

lol shit Ricardo's pissed but Natalie's so cute I love her even though she's not real

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