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"Hm, Hermione Granger again?" Adam teases as he shifts his car into drive and  begins driving off in direction of tonight's party. "This makes this.... what? Your 6th year in a row?"

Landry rolls her eyes as she fastens her seatbelt. "It's the 5th time," she corrects him knowing very well that her first time was her 12th Halloween as she had only discovered the Harry Potter books a few months prior. Adam puts up his hands in defence, confused to why his friend seems to be in such a foul mood.

Landry was not pleased at what occurred minutes before, it actually caused her a great shock. She never put much thought into what would happen if Ricky and Adam were to interact because the likelihood of it happening was very improbable. Though even if she were to think about it she never expected it to go as badly as it did.

It was strange how they were instantly filled with jealousy upon seeing eachother and each were attempting to say something to get a rise out of the other.

Landry hadn't know Ricky very long so she can't be mad at his surprising actions but she's known Adam her whole life and she's never witnessed him treat someone with such disgust and belittlement. Adam was always nice to everyone, especially people that Landry introduced him to, so it was hard for her to comprehend what happened in bedroom just minutes ago.

"What are you a baseball player?" she retorts looking him up and down. He nods to confirm it.

Only then does she realize she's seen this outfit before. Though the navy blue baseball caps was just New York Yankee Merchandise, the matching navy and white jersey and pants were not.

"That's not even really a costume you're just wearing your baseball uniform with a yankees hat," she sputters in annoyance. She wonders just how he felt he had the right to judge her choice of costume when his was the definition of uncreative.

He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly . "How would you even know? You've never made it to any of my games."

"Because you guys always play when it's like 90 degrees outside and you know I sunburn easily," she quips in response causing him to laugh.

"Oh ya, remember how bad your burn was on vacation this summer?" he exclaims bursting into a fit of laugher at the memory of Landry Bender red from top to bottom.

"I wish I could forget," she shudders, clearly not as fond of the memory as Adam seemed to be. "It was so fucking painful."

"But who went all over town just to find aloe Vera for you?"

"You did," she chuckles now reminded of the only nice part of the otherwise uncomfortable story.

It was true Adam did. Him and Brooklyn spent all day running through and unfamiliar country trying to find Aloe Vera to ease her pain. She had to admit, it was sweet.

"Because I'm your best friend, right?" he adds as if waiting for her to agree. It was then that Landry realizes what was going on.

"Is this about Ricky?" she sighs, putting her fingers to her temples in frustration as she does not want to deal with this right now.

"How do you even know this guy? Because I'm pretty sure he doesn't go to our school," he exclaims, seeming as equally frustrated as Landry.

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