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7:06 am

Who could possibly be making noise at 7:06 am on a Saturday? That's what Landry wanted to know as she was jolted awake at 7:06 am on Saturday by a loud tapping. Tiredly slipping out of bed in search of the sound, she was ready to give whoever was disturbing her sleep a piece of her mind.

She wasn't surprised to find out the sound was coming from outside her window as she knew know one in her house would be awake this early on a Saturday however, she was surprised to see Ricky Garcia sitting in the large oak tree outside of her house.

He looked dejected as his head was resting against one of the many tree branches of this large tree as he was mindlessly knocking on her window. His expression changed almost immediately as he saw a tired Landry finally trudging towards the window.

"Wow I thought you'd never wake up, I've been tapping on your window for 10 minutes," Ricky chuckles although Landry is definitely not amused by this situation.

"I am too tired to even begin to come up with reasons why you could possibly be here right now so why don't you tell me what the fuck are you doing?" she snaps emotionlessly.

"I came to see you," Ricky states, shrugging as if him being here is no big deal. Landry cannot even fathom why he chose to believe that was an acceptable response when she has already made it clear that she's tired and grumpy. Deciding not to let her strong temper get the best of her in this moment, she tries as calmly as possible to move on to the next rational question.

"This is so fucking creepy!" she exclaims as her hand makes contact with her face in frustration. "How did you even know where I live? Did you stalk me?"

She should've known talking to strangers was a bad idea. She's heard that multiple times growing up but like every other dumb teenage girl, she didn't listen and look where it's gotten her — with a strange boy showing up outside her house.

"No, no of course not," he cuts in defensively. Natalie gave me your address," he explains as if that's any better. Well it's a little better but not by much. Using her little sister's love for him against her was definitely not a wise way to play this. "Now can you let me in, I'm terrified of heights Lan."

She stares at him in utter disbelief. He comes here out of nowhere knowing full well she's extremely pissed at him and demands she let him into her room.

What kinda sociopath thinks this is okay?

Though a strong part of her mind is telling her to keep the window shut and wait for him to fall to a painful death, she decides to listen to the one voice inside her head and let him in. She's not sure why though as every other voice in her head was telling her to choose the former and majority usually rules when it comes to the strange voices in her head.

"Hi," he grins cheekily at her once his feet are planted firmly on her hardwood floor. In his mind, her just letting him is an accomplishment. He assumes he's already won half the battle but Landry knows he's about to lose the war.

"You have 5 seconds to tell me what the fuck you're doing here before I scream for help telling my parents there's a pedophile in my room?" she snaps crossing her arms in front of her chest in frustration.

Ricky takes a step closer to her, but she takes 3 steps back before sitting on her bed and giving him a warning look that if he comes any closer he'll get punched in the balls.

"This is the only way I could get you to talk to me Landry, you've been ignoring me for nearly a month," he sighs and she can tell he's been just as affected in this month as she has, however being her stubborn self, she stands her ground.

"Ya I have."

"But can you really even tell me why?" He asks and there's a pause as she begins to look anywhere in the room but at him. "No you can't because—"

"You always make a big deal about me hanging out with Adam and always made feel bad about hanging out with my friend while you were off doing the same thing with a girl you actually used to date," she blurts out all in one breath, causing her to gasp for air when she finishes.

Ricky looks stunned when Landry finally gives him a reason for her radio silence. His mouth, which was currently formed into an "O" shape, was quickly transformed into a cocky smirk.

"So what you're saying is you're jealous?" He takes the fact that her face was turning as red as a tomato as a sign that he is free to approach her.

"Im not jealous I'm—"

"Because it sounds like your jealous?" he teases as he continues to stalk over to her.

"Why would I be jealous?"

Finally reaching the bed, he sits downs and grabs her hands. She looks down nervously at their hands as he begins running his thumbs over her knuckles.

"Maybe because you like me?" he smirks shrugging his shoulders. Landry's mouth snaps open in disbelief at the nerve of the cocky boy next to her.

"That's ridiculous i don't like you," she retorts as she removes her hands from his grasp so she can cross her arms in front of her in annoyance.

"Really because I think you like me," he teases, moving one of his hands to tuck some loose hair out of her face. She rolls her eyes at his flirty gesture as she swats his hand away.

"Well you're wrong!" she huffs but he cocks his eyebrow at her knowing that the blush creeping on her cheeks is just proving his point.

"Am I really?"

"Ya, you are!" Knowing this back and forth can literally take them the entirety of the day, Ricky moves forward with the conversation.

"Hm, that's too bad because I really like you." His mouth was formed into a smirk but the intense look in his eyes was proof that he meant it.

"No you don't, you barely even know me. Actually you don't really know me at all," she argues looking down at her lap where she was twiddling her fingers. She'd rather look anywhere that at Ricky's eyes at the moment.

"I know you better than you think," and I'm gonna prove it to you right now," he announces as he pushes her off the bed.

Yes, PUSHES her off the bed.

"What the hell?" she frets in confusion as she struggles to maintain her balance.

"Get changed, Laundry. We're going out!"


3 chapters all at once because I'm just trying get this thing fucking done with!!!

yay Ricky and Landry finally met and now there's 2 chapters left

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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