Unfinished business.

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The sirens flooded the silent July night air, and the lights strobed the roadside. Inside two paramedics were working on a unconscious male.

A face that looks ultimately looked familiar.

"Tra Burrows, age 23, Caucasian, single, severe forced head trama". The paramedic read the document.

The monitor showed steady rates, as Tra's eyes, though closed, shot back and forth, like a raccoon That went rabid.

Faster they moved...


Then the monitor calls flatline.

"Shit, Miguel! we're losing him"! The dark haired paramedic grabbed the heart philbilator, and the other paramedic flipped the power, and turned the charge bar to a steady 250.

"Charging." the paramedic said, and the dark haired paramedic claps the clamps together, letting it get charged.

"Almost there".

The charge grows louder.


Tra opens his eyes, and looks at the paramedic.

"Clear." Tra pushes the paramedic to the floor, and he sits up, pulling the clamps and shots from his arms.

He grabs the shock clamps and jabs them into the dark haired paramedics chest. His body twitches, and jerks, and lays motionless, as steam rises from his charred body. The other paramedic backs away in fear.

Tra draws closer, but the paramedic loses his footing and falls out the door, landing onto the pavement, and rolling back under a car coming up behind the ambulance.

The car screeches across the lane, and halts after doing a tailfin.

The ambulance slows to a stop, hearing the commotion, the driver became suspicious and goes to the back to check on the others.

"What's going on in....!" he looks at the lifeless dark haired paramedic on the ground, and sees the ambulance is empty. A branch snaps beside him, and looks to see Tra swing a log, and bashes him into the head. The driver falls, as Tra repeatedly sends blows upon his skull.

Tra climbs into the ambulance, and starts the engine.

The giraffe man was back, and he would get his revenge...

One way or the other!

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