Moving forward.

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The morning Sun hit her in the face, and she stirred from her sleep. She shoved her blankets to the side, and got out of bed still, groggy.

Her phone beeped and told her she had a new text. She grabbed it, and turned it on. The screen flashed to life, and she had to squint.

"Hey girl, we should meet for coffee"!

She responds with a basic:

"two o'clock at caffeine janes"?

It didn't take long for him to respond through text.

"See you soon."

She quickly gets dressed, and grabs her phone, and purse, and heads out to her car. She gets in the car, and "blue was the beautiful you" played over the radio.

She flipped the song off, as it brought back the events some time back to her mind. She backed out of the driveway, and would later arrive at the cafe over on "Anderson" Avenue. Where she sees Reece sitting in front of his black Suburban. She pulls in next to his truck.

"Hey". He said, a smile spread across his cheek. "How have you been"?

"I've been better. Still reliving the night of Lacy's death, and the murders. The nightmares haven't stopped".

"It will. You just gotta be strong". Reece embraced her in a hug. "I've missed you girl".

She stayed in Reece's hug for what seemed like forever. She had not felt this good since the whole nightmare, just months previous.

"Hey Nina". A voice came from behind her, and she turned to face a pretty beat up Trenton.

"Oh my god, Trenton"! I didn't know you were out of the hospital yet". He had a cast around his arm, and his face had a faint blue bruise around his eye, where he had been hit by the pickaxe.

"Got out last week. Had to get eight stitches in my arm, and it's pretty badly fractured.

She helped Trenton inside the cafe, followed by Reece. They sat at a window booth, and talked about everything that had happened to them.

But as they shared laughs, and how much life was looking up, they had no idea they were being watched.

Their nightmare wasn't over... It was only about to begin

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