Regans run in.

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She sat at the long sanded oak table, enough to seat eight people. The top of the table is lined with books people haven't sat back on the shelf.

A library cart sat in the middle of a isle covered in books, and the shelfs reached floor to ceiling of books. The loft over looked the bottom layer of the library, and the lower floor was just as empty.


Her phone lets her know she has a incoming message, and as she opens it, her blood turns cold. It was a video. She slowly clicked on it to play, and she realized who was in the video. It was her.

The camera slowly approached, getting closer and closer to her. And as she turned to look back, the camera view shoots behind the book shelf.

"Grant, Donnie? I'm not in the mood. Just leave me alone". There's no answer.

The camera turn off. And she gets up from the chair and goes to investigate. She approaches the row of book shelfs, and soon there's a Sound of something falling.

As she peers down the first isle of books she sees a few books on the floor.

"Hello"? She looks around, as of someone would respond. As she nears the end of isle, a light thump is heard. She looks back to see nothing, and as she looks back, she meets the swing of a pickaxe.

She screams and ducks as the blade slams into the end of the shelf. The wooden shelf splinters, throwing books to the floor. As he pulls back, the shelf falls backwards, and falls to the floor.

She screams, and rushes down the stairs, and runs to the double wide door, and tries to open it. The door won't budge.

She runs back toward the lower level 'emegency' exit. She tries the door but it won't budge. The hallway still remains empty, and she struggles to get out.

The figure lunges after her again, and she runs down the isle of books. The figure lunges after her. And she runs around the cart stuffed full of books, and pushes it into him. The cart slams into him, throwing more books around, and she runs out the back doorway, leading out to the hall by the cafeteria, and runs into Mr. Campbell. She screams again.

"What's wrong"? He looks at her. Seeing the terror in her eyes was real.

"I was just attacked. In there. He's in there"! She points toward the library doors. He rushes into the library, and other classmates runs toward her.

But the terror was only beginning!

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