then there was two.

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Regan sat on the curb out front of her house, as the flashing of the cop car lights flashed upon her face. The same older officer walks up to her and lets her tell her story. Soon after she is taken by a squad car down to the station for futher questioning.


Quinn was sitting on the recliner, with her feet tucked under her, and Quinton sat on the couch.

"When do you think mom will be back from Doug's"? Quinn looked at Quinton.

"I'm sure she'll be back Soon. Sure hope so, she has dinner". Quinn giggles. There's a sound of a car pulling, and the lights shine through the living room window.

Quinton gets up, and opens the front door, expecting to see their moms car. But instead it was a unknown car.

"Is It mom"? Quinn approached him from the living room. She peeks out and sees the car. "Who is that"? She asked.

"I don't know. But maybe We should go back inside". Quinton shuts the door, and flips the lock. They go back to the living room.

About a hour goes by, and they still haven't heard from their mom.

"She should have been home by now. Quinn peeked out the front window, seeing the mysterious car still parked in the driveway.

"Maybe I should go see what he wants". Quinton looked at Quinn. And she shakes her head.

"You have lost it if you think I'm going to let you go out there alone". He let out a staggered sigh, then told her to stay behind him.

They slowly approached the door, and he cautiously flipped the lock, and opened the door. As soon as he saw the giraffe facee man rushing up the front steps, he slams the door. Just as the blade slams through the doors frame, mere inches from his face. The blade retracts through the door, and there's silence.

As they sit and wait, there's a crash from the living room, and the sound of boots on sharded glass. The boots got closer, and Quinton grabbed Quinn's arm, and pratically dragged her up the stairs.

They rush up to the top of the landing, and dashed to one of the side rooms. Quinn fall's through as Quinton shuts the door, and locks it. He runs down the side hall, and shuts the other door That connects to the same room. He shoves a desk in front as the door, because the door doesn't have a lock.

The door begins to rattle, and the handle begin to turn. But the desk holds the door shut. The door slams against the desk, and Quinton sees the giraffe mask peering back at him.

The figure steps back into the darkend hall, and the mask fades from sight. Quinton slowly approached the doorway, and sees the figure rushing the door. The desk tips up on two legs, then slams back down. Quinton rushes back to Quinn.

"What's he doing? What does he want"? Quinn's worried tone comes very faint. They figures footsteps is still heard from beyond the wall. Slowly approaching the other door.

The handle begins to rattle, and the door start to rattle away from the hinges. Pretty soon the door would give away. Quinton runs to the window, throwing it open. He helps Quinn out, And as he is about to climb out, he is pulled away from the window.

"Noo"! Quinn yells, trying go to back to the window, just as blood splatters on the frame.

The figures face appears in the glass, and the swing of the pickaxe shatters the glass, busting into her face, and she falls back, off the roofs ledge onto the cement walk below. There's a loud crunch, and she screams in agony at her leg.

The bone sticks out through her skin, and she cries. The figure slowly approaching from behind, as She tried to crawl. There's a sharp pain as the figure steps on her injured leg. She screams even louder, and the figure rolls her over, eye to eye with the giraffe mask.

The last thing She saw was the swing of the blade. Then her screams were silenced.

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