final cut.

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The squad car was only a few miles away, racing toward Eric and Seths house. As the car rounds the corner, a familiar figure appears in the headlights. The giraffe mask reflects back at them. The figure un-sheathed the pickaxe, and tomahawked at it at the cop car, piercing through the windshield, and impailing the officer driving. The squad car swerves into the ditch, and in a flash, everything went black.


It took a minute for them to recognise they were in a dark, dainty basement. They were in Eric and Seths house.

Regan looked around, their hands and legs bound to a chair. Maddie and Grant were also tied up. As she looks around, She sees the masked figure appear in front of them.

"Hello Regan". The figure speaks to them.

"Let us go. We learned my lesson". She looks at the figure.

"That's what Nina and her friends said to. But they get to live out their life, and my sister had to lose hers at the hands of her and her friends".

"Look... I know a hit and run wasn't right. But killing us won't bring justice. I wanted to go to the police, but Aiden didn't want us to. We were afraid of what might happen".

The figure removes his mask, and we see Tra. His face has a horrible gash across his cheek.

"See what happened to Me when they lied". Tra looks at Regan, and his face contorts to a sinister smile. "But I couldn't have done it alone".

She looks at the others, and her heart stops when Grant frees his hands, and looks at her with a smile.

"Surprise". His voice was gleeful. "You should really work on the trust honey. It might get you killed".

"You son of a bitch"! Troy looks at him with haste.

"Love you to". He blows Troy a sarcastic kiss. "Lets really get this party started". He goes over to the wall, and grabs another pickaxe off the wall.

He walks over to Maddie, the blade lightly scrapes her cheek, and she begs him to stop. And just as the blade touches to her skin, the lights turn off.

"Go check it out, while I deal with them". Tra tells Grant. While he goes upstairs, Tra continues to torment Maddie.


Moving silently through the upstair rooms, Grant searches the house. Room to room, searching for the cause of the blackout.

"Looking for someone?" A voice comes from behind him. As he turns a kitchen knife enters his shoulder, and he screams. Falling to the floor, he looks up into a familiar face, Nina, stands over him. She grabs the pickaxe, and with a single slice, takes Grants life.

She grabs the gun she found from the dead cop in the crashed squad car, and silently moves toward the basement.

"You guys are going to learn, just exactly, lying gets you". He grabs his pickaxe, and coming up behind him is Nina, and Regan sees her.

"Wait"! Regan looks at him. "Kill me first". He looks at her and smiles.

"Ansy, aren't we"? He walks to her, and runs her face with his gloved hand.

He raises the blade, and in the midst of swinging it, Nina pulls the trigger, and the bullet pierces his shoulder. The pickaxe falls to the floor.

Laying motionless, She rushes over to Regan, and unties her hand, just as she is tackled by Tra. He holds her down, strangling her. She struggles to breath, as Regan unties her other hand.

"Just die Bitch". He tightens his grip on her throat, and as the life begins to face, the blade slams through his neck.

Blood spurts out into Ninas face. And Tra tries to grasp his breath, but falls lifeless next to her.

After the shock of the attack went by. Maddie, Troy, Regan, And Nina emerge from the basement. Into the light of cop cars, ambulances, and a frenzy of media reporters. And with everything they went through. It was finally over.

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