Another one bites the dust.

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A/N: (Chapter fourteen was ill-detailed due to the un-needed detail. But Justin is a future victim. Sorry for the poor detail).

"Babe, why haven't you annswered my texts, I've sent hundreds". The text was sent to her phone.

"Maybe because I caught you sticking your dick in Renna's ass". She sent the text, and waited for his response. "I'm going with Regan to the auditorium, and I'm leaving my phone here. So don't try to find or talk to me" she throws her phone to the bed, and she gets dressed for the mogul.

Regan picked her up a little after seven, and they drove to the school. Discussing the past events and what had happened to her and Justin.

"I can't believe that prick thought I would forgive him". She looks at Regan, who is driving.

"Don't worry sissy chika, he'll get what's coming to him".

They pull into the school parking lot, which by now, was pretty much filled.

"Oh my God. He's here". She sees him leaning up against his black 'Trailblazer'.

"Don't worry. We just won't talk to him". Regan park's a good fifteen cars away. "We'll circle the lot, so we will bypass him, and can walk to the school unseen".

"Good idea". They quickly get out of the truck, and they go into the school. Soft, melancholy music plays, as They look at pictures of Aiden, Willow, and Adam.

"I can't believe she's gone".

"I know. She's pretty though, isn't she"?

"The prettiest". Maddie hugs Regan, and starts to sob.

"it'll be ok sweetie. The cops will find that crazy bastard". She rubs Maddies back.

"Everyone gather around. As we commute the vigil to start"...


Meanwhile, Justin feels his phone vibrate, and he flips the screen on, to see a text from Maddie.

"Meet me in the boys locker room, we need to talk.

He smiles and quickly makes his way into the school. As the last of the terms go into the auditorium, where the ceremony is held, Justin heads off the opposite way, to the locker room.

As he enters, it's lit enough to see. It seems to be empty, and he a out storms off angry, thing he was playing a bushit mind game.

"Justin". A whisper, long and low, is heard. And he turns, with a smirk.

"Want to play hide and seek. Ok, I'll try to find you". He opens a locker to sees it's empty, and he closes it. "Come out! Come out! Wherever you are"? He chuckles.

As he bears the end of the row, he heard like a metal on metal screeching.

As he turns toward the noise, he sees a light. A light from a cell phone, vibrating, and rubbing the lockers doorframe. As he looks closer, he sees its Maddies cell. "What the..." a figure lunges from a locker, pickaxe unsheath, and slices his shoulder. Blood soaks his shirt. As he begins to run.

He reaches the back entry way, to find it locked, and turns to just dodge the swing of the blade. It hits the door, and he is able to run pass the figure.

"Help! Someone please Help!" He cries out as the figure closes in on him. He rushes out the front door and into the hallway. He slips on a wet spot, and slams hard on his back, knocking the air from him.

The killer lurks near him, and slices the blade across his ankle. Justin slowly crawls toward the door to the auditorium. In seeing distance, the killer slices his other ankle, slowing his crawl down. Blood splatters on the banner hanging near him.

As he is about a foot away, he grabs onto the door, and pulls himself up. And the figure swiftly slices the blade across his chest, cause blood to pool, and he galls back to the floor.

By now the band started to play 'Amazing Grace', and it sounded out his desperate cries for help, and with one final swing of the blade, there was only the band playing.

Aren't you glad I can keep a secret; The Next Chapter.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora