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By now he had acquired his costume, and was trying to find Nina. He had followed her from her house...and watched them on the other side of the cafe Windows.

"It just hasn't been the same". Nina takes a small sip from her coffee. "Especially since Derek was killed. And I mean he almost got you to Reece. I think to myself if I had been only a moment longer".... She begins to tear up, but wipes them away, as a waitress passes by.

"I thank you for saving me Nina, but bearing yourself up over it won't bring him back".

"I know. But if I was a second later, I wouldn't have you, or Trenton".

"What do you mean you wouldn't have me"? Trenton asked, looking at them. She looks to where he had been staring at, and notice he was checking out one of the guys who worked behind the counter.

"Really, Trenton"? Reece looks at him, and chuckles.

"I was only looking at the meat on the menu". He Snickers, and Reece lightly facepalms.

"Have you guys heard any thing about Tra, or anything"?

A group of teens walk in, seven of them to be exact. And they were talking of something that peaked Nina, Reece, and Trentons attention.

"Yeah man, they found three paramedics killed out by 'Owen creek'.

"I heard their guts lines the roadside, and that it took two hours for the police to find all of their body parts".

"Excuse me". A lady at the counter turned the groups attention to her. "Can you please not talk about that here. People are trying to eat".

Nina recognized that voice, and looked over to see Martha. She was the old Liberian at 'celery flats' the next town over, but recently took a job at the high schools library.

"Oh my god, Martha". She turns to face Nina, and smiles.

"Hey dear. I heard about what Happened, and I'm so happy about that. How are you holding up"?

Nina could Only force a smile. "Not the best." Martha sees Reece and Trenton, looking like he wrestled a Bull, and lost a few too many times.

"My goodness, dear! What happened to you"?

"Long story. How have you been"? Nina cuts in.

"Fine, dear
Just fine. Working more hours than I have to sleep. But it keeps me busy, and out of trouble".

She chuckles and looks at her watch. "I have to go, my lunch ends soon". She says her goodbye, and scurried out the door.

"Maybe we should go to". Trenton breaks the silence.

"Ok". Nina grabs her purse, and walks out with Reece and Trenton.

(view goes to group of friends)

"What was with that woman"? The blonde guy asked.

"Well Aiden, you were saying some gross gory details." a petite brunette said.

"I was just saying what I heard". He smiles innocently.

"Come on, lets go to "Owen creek"! They all agree and gleefully leave.

But little did they know, their hell was only about to begin.

This time, no one is safe!

Aren't you glad I can keep a secret; The Next Chapter.Where stories live. Discover now