the mask comes off.

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The squad car raced down the main road toward Maddies house, arriving within minutes. As the car pulls into the driveway, they see her draw back the curtain, and peer out. Soon after They meet her on the front porch.

"We got to get to the others. They are I'm danger". She grabs maddie, and starts to drag her toward the cop car, But she stops.

"Grant went over to Seth and Eric a few hours ago". Regan looks at her with fear.

"We got to move".



Eric and Seth were sitting on the porch, talking to each other, and Grant sipped some of his alcohol, as they joked around. His phone rings and He sees Regan calling. He walks to the other side of the porch, and answers the call.

"What's up"? He waits for a response.

"Grant? Grant, can you hear me"? Her voice was panicky and rushed.

"Yeah I can. What's up"?

"Get everyone in the house, and lock the doors". He agrees and hangs up. He tells the others to get inside.

As they enter the house, the figure slams his blade into Seth's back, and pulls him back through, as Grant and Eric slam the door shut. Grant flips the lock and runs to the back, and locks the patio doors.

Eric runs into the garage, and grabs some weapons and tools. As he heads back toward the door, he hears a familiar voice. Regans voice, calling for help.

He runs to the door and pushes the button to open the door, and as he steps out, the blade slams into him, and he starts to cough blood. The figure lifts him off the ground, and pulls the blade out of him. Grant opens the door, and sees the garage door open, but no sign of Eric.

"Eric? You out here"? He slowly walks toward the door, and sees a blood trail leading off. He turns to go back to the house, and a hammer comes across his skull. And soon after, everything is black.

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