someone knows.

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The next day at school was tiring, and seemed to drag on. Regan didn't pay attention while Mr. Devall talked about some Greek history. The unknown callers voice replayed in her mind.

"Aiden Got what he deserved, same as you and your friends will".

The sentence played over in her mind, until her attention was drawn.

"Mrs. Stevens? Would you like to answer the question I just asked"?

"I'm sorry Mr. Devall, I didn't hear it". She looked honestly embarrassed. Her hot burning cheeks only confirmed it.

"If you have something to think about, then why don't you think about it in the library".

As she gathers her backpack and books, Mr Devall glares at her as she left, classmates making "oh" and "ah" sounds.

The halls were basically empty, Except a distant person, whose face was hidden behind a hoodie.

She pulled the double wide door open, and entered a empty, isolated alcove of shelfs and shelfs of books.

"Hey Regan, here to draw your attention in a good book or two"?

"Hey Mrs. Rudder. Hows the new librarian job here going"?

"It's going. Alot different from the small library in 'Celerey flats'. It's alot bigger here".

She lets out a frail little giggle. Her small stature lightly sways with each giggle.

"I'm going up to the "loft". There's something I'm thinking about".

"Ok dear. Take your time". She gleefully leaves her standing at the base of the stairs. And exits through the same double wide door She entered through.

She was alone...or was she?

Aren't you glad I can keep a secret; The Next Chapter.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant