unwanted visitor.

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He sat alone on the couch, wondering what went wrong, and heard a faint screeching sound, almost like a blade on metal.

It was coming from the garage.

He put his ear to the door, and gently listened.


But he was sure it was coming from inside...

He steadily opened the door, and peels inside. Pitch black, until he hit the light. Them the garage was coated in a inky bright light.

"Hello"? He waited for a sound, or a voice.


"Hello"? He repeated. He slowly stepped down the three steps that lead down to the garage's concrete floor.

He approached the trucks driver side, where to the most damage had occured, and his blood ran cold.

"I know your secret" had been carved into the doors side.

"What the hell"? He is distracted by a crash inside the house. He slowly creeps toward the door, and grabs a baseball bar, ready to swing.

Another crash.

"Hello"? He yelled, more demanding. "Who's there"?

As he approached the door, a figure rushed by it.

"I said who's there"? His voice in a full yell.

"Hey". His mom peeks her head into the garage, and looks at the truck. "Damnit Aiden, you hit another deer"?

"Yeah". He responded quickly. "Damn thing jumped in front of me".

"You know you're dad is going to kick your ass".

"I know. But I tried to stop".

"Well, regardless, I got supper cooking. Come eat".

He places the bat back where he grabbed it, and shuts the light off.

Soon after he ate his meal, he went to his room for bed. His dad was working another late night shift, and there was no telling when he'd be home.

His mom said her goodnight, and went off to bed, and he decided to try and get ahold of Regan.

"Hey, its Aiden. Please, can we talk about tonight"? She never responds, and he gets a new message from a profile named, "giraffeman101" he clicks on the new message.

"I know your secret". Is written across the screen. His throat becomes caught, and he feels uneased.

"Regan"? He waits for a response.

"Not even close"! The response came almost immediately.


"You'll know soon... Goodnight Aiden". The user then logs out, and leaves Aiden in a state of confusion, fear, and the question; "Who" knew, and "how" did they know?

Aren't you glad I can keep a secret; The Next Chapter.Where stories live. Discover now