direct message.

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As the band began to finish the last song, everyone gathered their things to leave. Maddie and Regan stand up, and talk about memories and everything that had happened.

As they slowly moved to the exit, a blood curdling scream catches their attention, and they both rush out of the auditorium. And they too screamed.

Straddled to the banner, faced twisted in horror and agony, was Justin. "Aren't you glad I can keep a secret" gashed across the banner, in messy faint writing. A pool of blood puddles under his body.

It wasn't long before a swamp of cop cars flooded the parking lot, and the school was empty. Forensics in white buckle suits and glass coated face protecting masks, snapped photos, and slowly examined the scene.

"Oh my God, Justin". Maddie says to herself. Regan holds on to her. As some of Justin's friends walk by them, giving them the cold shoulder. As if they somehow did it, and maybe they did.

"Lets get you home". Meanwhile, Evan, and Seth meet up with them. Troy and Toby also run up to them.

"Hey, I think it's best if we stay together. At least, until this is sorted out". Troy insisted.

"I don't want you guys to get involved. Its not safe". Regan pointed out. She looked at the others, and there was a pause.

"What is it"? Maddie asked.

'"I've seen the guy, not the flesh, but the costume. He wears a long monk like robe, and wears a worn out porcelain giraffe mask. And he has this long curved bladed pickaxe".

"But, why is he after us"? Troy asked"?

"I don't know, but it's not safe". Regan looked at him.

"Well, we aren't going to leave you". Toby said, as the others nod in agreement.

"We can hang out at Maddies tonight".

"Yeah. My parents Are out of town. We can watch some movies"?

"That would be great. I'll bring the popcorn". Evan proclaims. Holding Evans hand, Seth smiles.

"So nine"? Maddie looks at the group, making sure they agree.

That night, they were going to be together, making sure that nothing would happen... But there will be other plans!

Aren't you glad I can keep a secret; The Next Chapter.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora