When He Saw You

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Your POV
I had every single reason to leave. I didn't belong there, I don't belong anywhere. I thought by coming to the human world and becoming an exorcist would make everything easier for me. Now I see it just makes me feel so much more lonely.

I was walking through the park while it was lightly drizzling. I didn't have an umbrella but my giant black cloak and hood was able to keep the rain out of my face. I continued to walk but then heard something from behind me.

"(Y/n)!" yelled a familiar voice.
It was Rin Okumura. One of my classmates from the cram school. I hadn't been here long but I managed to make one friend and that was Rin.

"(Y/n) are you okay? You kinduv just left right after class. I was getting worried that something was wrong." said Rin with a worried expression.

Never in my entire life would I have thought that someone was actually worried about me. But I knew if Rin found out who I really was he wouldn't want to be my friend anymore.

"I'm okay, it's just I think that I'm gonna leave the cram school. It just isn't for me." I said with a faint smile.
"What?! You can't leave! You just got here (y/n)!" said Rin now sounding upset. I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I just realized that becoming an exorcist is not what I want to do with my life is all." I said trying to reassure him.

He looked at me and then pulled out a scrap piece of paper and a pen. He scribbled something down. After he finished he handed me the paper. I looked at it and saw a bunch of numbers.

"What is this?" I ask to Rin.
"It's my number in case you ever want to meet up or something." He said blushing a little.

Is he actually blushing? I hold the paper in my hand and can't help but to smile.
"Thank you Rin, you've been so kind to me. I really hope I see you again." I said giving him a hug.

I felt my face getting a little red but that was just probably because I've never hugged another human before. We both break out of the hug and I see that Rin is also blushing a little. I turned around and gave a wave goodbye.

Then we both headed different directions. I felt sorry for him, I probably will never see him again. Being the way that I am and all.

I walked for a while and all of a sudden my legs become quite tired. I looked around for someplace to sit and then realize I've walked into the forest.

"That's weird, I don't remember the forest being here." I say to myself.

The rain had stopped so I decided to sit under a nearby tree. I looked up and saw the moon in the sky. It was already night, I didn't realize how long I walked.  I took off my cloak and used it as a blanket. All I was wearing were very short shorts and a tight crop top that was see through. You could see my (f/c) laced bra but I didn't mind. As I began to doze off in to slumber I sensed someone's presence.

All of a sudden I felt someone grab both my breasts and gently squeezing them. I looked up and saw a boy with green hair. My face turned red as a tomato so then I slapped him across the face.


I slapped him so hard he fell over to the ground. I was so flustered I didn't even try to cover up my chest with my cloak. He just got back up and stared at me.

I stared back and could now see him more clearly. He had green hair with a spike on the top of his head. He also had blue eyes and a vapid expression. Was he even human?

"Hello." he said sounding bored.

"What are doing!? You don't just grab someone's breasts out of the blue! That's not a human custom, I'm pretty sure at least....." I said trying to hide my red face.

"I saw you come into my forest and was curious too see who you were. I can tell already that you are very special." He said with a boring tone again.

My face started to turn red once more, I tried to hide it by changing the subject.

"What are you by the way? You don't look like a normal human." I asked.

"That's because I'm a demon. I'm the Demon King of Earth Amaimon." He said now standing.

He walked closer to me and knelt down to where I was sitting. He got up close to my face and placed his hand on my cheek. My face was burning up again. He stared deeply into my (e/c) eyes.

"You're not a human either are you?" He asked now sounding more curious.

"I ummmmm........" I said trailing off. I didn't want to tell this stranger what I really was.

"At least tell me your name." He said while caressing your cheek.

I felt so flustered I could barely move. I guess there would be no harm telling him what my name is.

"My name is (y/n)." I said quietly.

"Hmm, what a pretty name you have (y/n). It really suits you." He said boringly.

He then started to feel my hair and sniff it. I didn't know much about the human world but I knew what he was doing was not normal.

"Your hair smells so sweet, just like candy. Hmmmm, you seem perfect for me." Amaimon said with a smirk.

"W-what do you-" I was cut off by him as he picked me up bridal style.

"A-amaimon!? What do you think your doing!?" I asked him furiously.

"What does it look like? I'm kidnapping you."

The King and his Queen(Amaimon x Reader) Blue Exorcist Watty Awards 2017Where stories live. Discover now