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Amaimon POV
  I've been following (y/n)'s scent for almost a day now. It led me to the far end of the forest.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Rin asked sounding exhausted.

I had almost forgotten that Rin had been tagging along with me. If he thinks that he can steal (y/n) from me then he has another thing coming.

"Her scent is leading up to here-" I froze up to the very familiar sight of my brothers secret castle.

So this is where she's been. I knew Mephisto had something to do with this!

"This is where we part ways Rin Okumura. I will save (y/n) on my own." I say blankly.

"What?! No way I'm leaving now!" Rin yells as he stomps up to me.

I snap my fingers and in an instance Rin disappears in a cloud of green smoke. Sometimes he can get really annoying.

I'll have to find a way in and save her.

Your POV
  I've been feeling so many kicks now. I hope that it's a good sign. I get off the bed and try to walk towards the window but my shackles aren't long enough so I sit back on the bed bringing my knees to my chest. Which wasn't very comfortable since my baby bump was bigger.

I suddenly hear tapping on the window. I look up to see a dark figure.

"H-Hello?" I ask nervously.

The tapping stops and the window opens.

"S-Stay away!" I yell defensively as I back farther away from the window.

"(Y/n)! It's me, Amaimon!"

"Amaimon!" I say as he pulls me into an embrace.

He hugs me so tightly like he never wants to let me go.

"Are you okay?! Is the baby alright?! I'm so sorry I let you get taken!" He yells as water begins to fill his eyes.

I've never seen Amaimon cry before.

"Hey, I'm okay. The baby is okay. You're okay." I say placing my hand on his cheek wiping away his tears.

"We have to get out of here now, who knows what Mephisto will do if he finds out I'm here."

He picked me up bridal style which caused me to blush. He saw the shackles on my feet and looked angry.

He snapped his fingers and my chains were gone. But there was a red mark around where they were.

"I'm going to jump out the window so close your eyes and hold on tight." He said making his way toward the window.

I slowly nod bracing myself. Just then the door slammed open.

"Where do you think you're taking my property?!" Mephisto yells looking furious.

"(Y/n) is mine! Don't you dare lay another finger on her!" Amaimon yells and then immediately jumps out the window with me in his arms.

We landed smoothly on a branch of a nearby tree.

"We'll have to stay here in the forest until this matter is resolved."

The King and his Queen(Amaimon x Reader) Blue Exorcist Watty Awards 2017Where stories live. Discover now