First Day Of Class...... Again

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Your POV
  Things escalated a lot last night. I learned that me and Amaimon were in love over 100 years ago and that my dad had erased all my memories of him. But that's not the most intense thing that happened last night.

  After my make out session with Amaimon things got heated pretty fast and before we knew it we had sex. Right then and there. All these thoughts were running through my head as I woke up the next morning.

  The sun was shining through the window and I could hear the High School students outside of the dorm.

  As I rose up from the bed I noticed I wasn't wearing any clothes. I looked over at Amaimon and noticed he was naked too.

Oh my god! We really slept together last night! Everything happened so fast!!

  I got up from the bed and walked to my closet. It was already stocked up with clothes. I saw the school uniform and quickly put it on. Since Amaimon was still sleeping I took the opportunity to quietly sneak out the room.

  Today was gonna be my first day back at the Exorcist Cram School. This is gonna be so unenjoyable I thought to myself.

  I walked out of the room and looked for another nearby door. When I did I took out the special key I got from Mephisto and used it to get to the school.

  When I opened the door I saw the familiar hallway of the Cram School. I slowly walked towards my home room class. If this is what it takes to stay in Assiah, then I'll just have to suck it up.

I walk into the class to see my classmates. Among them are Rin. As I take my seat Rin runs up to me looking shocked.

"(Y/n)! What're doing here? I thought you left?" He asks curiously.

"I-I had to come back t-to take care of some things." I say trying to sound convincing.

"Well, I'm glad you're back. It's not the same without you...." He says blushingly.

I was about to say something else but was cut off by Yukio's arrival.

"Alright class, take your seats we're about to begin the lesson." He says and then looks over at me.

"Hello Miss (l/n). It's good to see you in class again." He says as he starts the lesson.

I was not going to enjoy this next part, that I knew for sure.

  After all my classes had ended and the final bell rang relief ran over me. I can finally go home. Besides, I really need to talk to Amaimon when I do get back.

  After I left my last class I was heading for the dorm and suddenly felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned to see Rin and his group of friends.

"Hey Rin, are these your friends?" I ask trying to sound happy.

"Yeah, this is Ryuji, Renzo, and Konekomuro." He says pointing at the boys.

"Heya." They all say in unison.

"Hi." I say as I wave awkwardly.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with us. We were gonna visit the park." He says sounding cheerful.

Uh oh, spending with Rin and his human friends? That doesn't sound like a good idea.

"Oh I'm sorry but I'm really busy today. Maybe another time?" I say trying to show a faint smile.

"That's okay, I'm just glad you're back." Rin says as his face turns a little red.

"See you tomorrow then." I say as I wave to Rin and his friends.

I continue walking back to my dorm hoping that I don't run into anyone else.

Suddenly the ground beneath me starts shaking. I lose balance and fall to the ground. What is going on I think to myself.

The shaking stops and I can stand again. I look around but see no one else in sight. Where did everyone else go?

I turn back to see a figure stand before me. It was a dark and ominous form. It looked like a giant black wolf.

"W-What are you!?" I yelled out at it.

It didn't say anything. It was just staring and growling at me. All of a sudden it charges at me full speed. I quickly dodge it but fall down hard on the ground.

  I try to get back up but can barely move for some reason.

"What have you done to me monster!?" I yell once more.

"I've been sent here from Other World to kill you. Specifically ordered from Discord to kill you."

The King and his Queen(Amaimon x Reader) Blue Exorcist Watty Awards 2017حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن