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"Congratulations. You are now a genin of Konoha."

Hatake Uchiha Kakashi. Quite the mouthful to say.

He was 6 years old, a genin, and just about to receive a sensei to be an apprentice under. Kakashi fiddled with his thumbs acting nervous and looking down but inside he was focusing and pinpointing everyone in the hokage building.

Sakumo and Jiraiya was just outside the hokage's office window, Minato was... Around the corner, about 10 minutes till he reached the office. Hiruzen was inside... With Danzo... And the lady at the counter was standing up...

"Hatake Uchiha Kakashi?"

He looked up and walked over to the counter. "The Hokage is ready for you." He nodded and teleported to right outside the office, taking a deep breath. Knocking on the door he walked in calmly, immediately going into the formal bowing position.

"Hokage sama."

< Hiruzen's POV >

Silent footsteps without effort, a habit only war veterans nowadays have. The formal bowing, a position that some Chunin still fidget in. A calm face in front of the hokage with a posture that shows no emotion. 

And his eyes...

The eyes are the windows of a person's soul, and this boy... 

Could conceal everything.

Something even I had trouble with at times.

"Hokage sama." he paused for a while, "Danzo sama." he greeted.

I smiled my practiced warm smile and spoke. "Hello Kakashi, you do know what you are here today for, right?"

He straightened and nodded curtly. "Yes hokage sama."

"Good. Minato! Come in!" I called, and soon the door opened to reveal the bright yellow haired man with blue eyes. My eyes flickered over to see Kakashi's reaction but shockingly I saw guilt, fondness and sadness swimming in his deep black eyes before disappearing without a trace. 

Pushing the information away to look over later I smiled at Minato.

"Minato, meet your new apprentice, Hatake Uchiha Kakashi."

"Hi-! IT'S YOU!" Minato yelped, shock clear on his face. Kakashi sweatdropped, scratching his cheek. "Ah... Hello again Minato san...".

I raised my eyebrow. "Do you know each other already?"

"Ah! Hokage sama, he's the one who... er..." his eyes flickered over to where Jiraiya was. "... He's the student that I told you about... the one that kicked Jiraiya in the face and used medical ninjutsu to heal the injury right afterwards..."

A flash of killer intent came from Jiraiya's general direction and a snort of laughter from Sakumo. I sighed and held my forehead.

I'm too old for this.

< Third person POV >

Danzo perked up at the thought of Kakashi joining him. Maybe...

"Hiruzen... What do you think about Kakashi joining ANBU? His talents will certainly benefit Konoha and I have seen the way he can hide his emotions as easy as breathing... I want to take him under my private wing."

Danzo blatantly ignored the crack of wood outside and growing Killer Intent.

Kakashi's face was kept empty of emotions except the small minuscule frown. Danzo want's me in ROOT...?

Hiruzen calmly looked over to the windows.

"What are your thoughts... Sakumo?"

He burst into the office. "NO. NO. Oh and... NO!" he growled, scooping Kakashi up... "He's only 6 for christ sake! Let him have a CHILDHOOD!"

Reborn - Kakashi Uchiha [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now