Chapter 5

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On the way home, we bought chicken for lunch. We didn't know what to get, so we just got chicken to make Onew do a few back-flips! "Hey, Jonghyun..."I said in our way home. "What?" "What you said yesterday, about your bad dreams...Why would me leaving be a bad dream?" Jonghyun parked the car in the driveway and turned to me with a serious look on his face. "To all of us... you are like a sister to us...adopted of course!" I laughed at the word "adopted" he just had to add that I wasn't Korean into this *sad face* "You helped us a lot . Thanks to you, we are way better at speaking English! You should have seen Onew before. He could read two english paragraphs in THREE hours! Now he could read them in about five minutes! Talk about improvement!!! It's all from your knowledge of the Eenglish language!"  I raised my eyebrow. "Do I have to teach you the word "English" again?!" I asked concerned. "No.. I did that on purpose for effect..." "Okay good... You scared me there! Anyway, I wouldn't leave you guys without a good enough reason! Maybe if aliens were attacking Korea or something like that..." Jonghyun smiled.

After we got out of the car, I hugged him and then put on Key's voice. "Ha! You'd probably die without mt awesome diva-ish self!" We both laughed until our stomachs hurt. We soon went inside, where we were greeted by Key. We fell down laughing, thinking about how we were teasing Key's Flamboyant  personality." What is wrong with you guys?!" Key asked curiously. :N-nothing!" Jonghyun said laughing. "Seriously!!!" Key said as he stormed awayin frustration. We got up give minite later, stomaches hrting even worse, We called out in unison,"We brought chicken!!" "Hey Jonghyun.." I whispered. "What?" "How much you want to bet Onew will come running first?" "That's too predictable!"  He answered. Sure enough, Onew came running at the speed of light torwards us. Just as he was about to stop, he tripped and fell! Jonghyun laughed and said," Nice going Mr. Chicken!" I went over to Onew and helped him up. His face was the color of a beet. "Thanks.." He mumbled, obviouslt embarrased. I smiled sweetly. "Onew, don't be sorry! You're true nature is clumsy! Even you yourself can't stop it!" "Well then.." Onew said anxiously. While Jonghyun wasn't looking, Onew charged worwards the bucket of chicken and succesfully stole it. He started eating it hungrily. "HEY!!" Jonghyun yelled "WE NEED TO WAIT FOR THE OTHERS!!!" he shouted. "Key Minho, Taemin!!" I yelled "Come on we have chicken!!!" "It'll be gone by the time you come so hurry up!!" Onew yelled with a mouth full of food.

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