Chapter 10

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Two hours later, they came home. I almost died at Key's reaction. Key walked in and his jaw dropped immediately. "Who...who did this?" Key said, full of amazement and shock. Minho walked in and said, "Well, it's definitely not Jonghyun... He's too lazy!" Jonghyun had an angry look on his face. "HEY!" he yelled. I laughed. "It was meee!" I exclaimed. Key ran towards me at full speed and almost knocked me over as he hugged me really hard. It didn't hurt though... "THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH" He yelled in my ear. "I WAS GOING TO DO THAT LATER, BUT YOU DID IT FOR ME!!! THANK YOU!!" "Key, you're going to kill her!" Taemin said as Onew and he walked in. Key let me go. "Sorry...Got a bit carried away there..." he said with a sad expression. "I'm going to go deaf now...but I'll forgive you." I said, rubbing my ear.Key gave a sheepish grin as I patted him on the back. "What should we dooo?" Taemin whined "I'm bored..." I smiled. "I don't knowww" I whined back. "I want chicken!" Onew whined. We all looked at Onew. "Hyung, we just ate!" Minho said surprised. Onew smiled sheepishly. Jonghyun sighed. "Well, Kaitlyn and I haven't ate yet, so we could take Onew to a restaurant..." I smiled. "But we could just eat at home" I responded. "BUT I WANT CHICKEN" Onew cried. Jonghyun sighed again and said, "There is no stopping Mr. Chicken Onew!" We took Onew to get chicken and left Key, Taemin, and Minho at home. They ate too much, they can't even look at food! (I hate when that happens...) After our stomachs were full, we go home to find Key, Minho, and Taemin playing Just Dance,the second one. They were trying to do Rasputin! "Ha!" I yelled. "I could totally beat all of you at this song!" Jonghyun smiled humorously and droned,"There goes her competitive side... So much like mine..........I'LL BEAT YOU ALL!!!!!" I laughed. "But there are only enough for four dancers!" I said sadly. "Aish.." Key mumbled. "You guys can go... I'm pooped.." Minho looked at Jonghyun and I. "But I'm not tired!" he exclaimed.  "GO NOW! Get a drink of water or something! We want to go against Taemin!!!" Jonghyun and I yelled loudly. "Aigoo... no need to be so loud!" Minho pouted as he left the room to get some water. "Guys.. I'm tired too... I don't want to dance anymore!" Taemin whined. "TOO BAD! WE ARE GOING AGAINST YOU NO MATTER WHAT! YOU CAN REST AFTER!": We yelled. Taemin looked taken aback at our response. "No-one can stop you guys once you get competitive.." Key sighed. We danced to Rasputin, Jonghyun and I both concentrating fully on the moves. After the dance, we looked anxiously at the screen, waiting for our scores. As soon as the scores came up, we both groaned. Taemin lost, mainly because he was tired. But Jonghyun and I incredibly got the same exact score. "How is this possible?!" Jonghyun asked. "I don't know... But I still think I did better than you." I said.  He snorted. "No, I think I'm WAYYYY better than you!" he yelled. "No! I'm much better than you!" "HA! Never in a million years! I'm much better than you!" "NO! I'm superior in this m-" GUYS SHUT IT!" Key yelled. It seems we both snapped out of our competitive state when Key yelled. "Guys let's just go to bed..." Onew said. "We have work tomorrow, and I'm sure you're tired too, Kaitlyn" "Yeah..Maybe a little bit..." I mumbled. We all went to bed, really tired. Except Onew of course, he really didn't do anything! Besides eating chicken!

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