Chapter 19

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"Should we go in?" I whispered to Minho as quiet as I could. "Let's wait until they're done talking." he whispered back. "But It'll be awkward!" Jonghyun whined.They started talking more quietly and then just stopped altogether. Minho and I casually walked in as if nothing happened. "We're hooooome!"  I sing. "Hey Kaitlyn! Hey Minho!" Jonghyun greeted happily. "Hay is for horses!" I tease. 'Oh you!" Jonghyun said in a fake angry voice. I poked him as I walked past and he yelped. "Ow!" he yelled. "Psh, baby!" I retorted. "Am not!" he yelled. "Anyway, we exchanged money. So, if everyone FINISHED packing, we SHOULD be ready to go." Jonghyun and Onew were struck with the realization and ran to their rooms to pack. "Of course!" I yell. "Don't judge us!" they both yelled. "Hey! That's my phrase!" I yelled back. "HAY IS FOR HORSES" Jonghyun mockingly yelled, using my own words against me. "ARGH! You're too smart for your own good!" Jonghyun snorted, and went into his room, as Onew went into his. :So, how'd it go?" Key asked. "Well, Minho had to almost everything. But I'll be handling since I'm a natural born American." I replied. "Murica!" Key yelled, imitating me. I laughed so hard I fell on the ground. "D-Don' just...." I said while laughing. "You okay there?" Key asked. "N-no..." I replied. I took a deep breath. "Don't do that again.....You sound WAY too manly. We can't have that." Key pouted. "Don't do that either." I say. "Why not?" Key said smiling. "It's" I start, rubbing the back of my neck. "Adorable?" Key said still smiling.  "Yeah! That's the word...." I mumbled.  Key feels my face. "HA! I made your face heat up~~~!" he sang victoriously.  "How is that even an achievement?!" Minho asked. "It's not!" I yelled, replying to Minho, while looking at Key. "GUYS, WOULD YOU STOP YELLING, I'M TRYING TO PACK!" Jonghyun yelled from his room.  'Oh really? You're packing?! Should I go check?" I yell. "N-no! There's no need to do that!!!" Jonghyun said, nervously laughing. "Okay! I WON'T check on you!" I yelled, slowly approaching his door.. I slowly and quietly opened his door to see him laying on his bed.  "AH HA!" I yelled. "YOU LITTLE LIAR" Jonghyun exclaimed. I folded my arms. "I should say the same for you!" I said smiling. "You know what? I think I'll just stay in here and watch you pack." I added. Jonghyun sighed. 'Go on! Just pretend I'm not here!" I say, pushing him over to his suitcase. 

"That's the last thing I could do!" he replied. I fold my arms and lean against his door. That way, he can't get out! MUAHAHA! xD  I smiled evilly at him. "ugh..." he mumbled. "Need help?" I asked. His eyes lit up. "Really?" he asked. "Sure, why not? I'd rather not be with the Diva. Or Mr. Flaming Charisma." Jonghyun laughed. "Why not?" "I don't know....I just really don't want to deal with the diva-ness...and I spent like an hour with Minho." Jonghyun smiled and then put on a serious face. "Okay, let me see if you're qualified to help me...Did you bring your resume?" He asked in a professional voice. I sighed. "Dagnabit Jonghyun just let me help you xD" I said as I stopped leaning on the door and pushed him on the bed so I could do the packing. The way he packs....just hurts my OCD. That's the main reason I asked to help. xD.

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