Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to Kim Jonghyun..... FOR BEING SO BEAUTIFUL AND AWESOME!

I smiled as they left, but it was a fake smile. I was actually sad that they were going to work. "At least their hugs will get me through the day!" I said out loud, to myself. I decided to clean the house for them. They probably wouldn't do it anyway! I put on my SHINee playlist on my IPod and began cleaning. After several hours of organizing the cabinets, the refrigerator, and of course, cleaning the house, the place became spotless.  (At least as far as the eye can see..... XD) I sat down on the floor. "Ugh! I hate cleaning with a passion!" I yelled. "Why are you randomly talking about cleaning?" Jonghyun said as he started to walk in. He was looking at me and hadn't seen the house yet.  He turned and got a BLAST of a clean, awesome house. "Oh my gosh, Kaitlyn... Did you do this?!" He asked, shocked. I nodded. "THANK YOUUUUU!" He yelled. "Your welcome!" I said, laughing. "By the way," I asked "why are you home so early? You guys were supposed to be home in 2 hours!" Jonghyun smiled. "I had less work than everyone else..." He said. I gave him a serious glare. "Jonghyun...." I said seriously. "No joke!" He said, poker facing. "Jonghyun..." "I SWEAR!!" "...." "OH FINE! I can't lie to you..." "Why are you here?" "Taemin made me check on you!" I gave him another glare. "Ugh, I wanted to check on you to see if you were burning the house down!" I smiled evilly. "I can't lie in front of you! You know me too well!" He grumbled. I giggled. "Are you going back?" I asked. "Why do you not like me?" He asked humorously. "N-no! I-it's not like that! IT'S JUST A QUESTION!!!" I yelled. He smiled. I look at him, frustrated. "Hey.. I was just messing around!!! No need to look like you're going to kill me and steal my soul!" He said jokingly.

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