Chapter 12

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"Oh, Kaitlyn..." Key said, remembering something. "Yes?" I  replied. "You never told us your biases and order of favorites!" I put my head down. I could feel their eyes on me. "It won't effect our friendships!" Key stated. "Right guys?" He added through gritted teeth. "Just tell us the order of favorites before you met us!" Taemin added. "Now that you know us in person, it could be harder. So just tell us what it was before you met us!" I pouted. "You guys won't be mad at me?" I ask sadly. "We promise" They all say in unison. "Well...ok. The order is as follows..." I say as they look at me anxiously. "Jonghyun," "YES!" Jonghyun shouted. "Key." "Woo!' Key exclaims. "Taemin" "Yay! Third place!" Taemin says happily. "Minho." "Heh, at least I didn't get last place!" Minho teased. Onew put his head down in shame. I patted Onew on the back. "But now, it's really hard to choose between you guys! You guys are amazing roomates, and awesome friends!" I say, hoping to cheer him up. Onew put his head back up and gave me a surprisingly-strong-for-him hug. "AT LEAST YOU DON'T HATE ME ANYMORE!" He let go. "I didn't say I hated you...I just...liked you the least out of the guys..." I said honestly. Jonghyun was silently celebrating being my bias "Woo, woo!" He said to himself. "You guys do get along really well...Jonghyun, she's like a female version of you!!!" Taemin stated, obviously glad he wasn't last. Jonghyun smiled and pulled me over to him. "AH! Let me go!!" I yelled. He picked me up bridal style and yelled "TWINSIES!!!!" I pouted, flustered by the situation. "Ow.... my ear..." I complained. Jonghyun threw me up in the air.  "JONGHYUN, STAHP IT! PUT MEH DOWN!!!" I yelled, alarmed. Jonghyun smiled evilly. "Okay." He smirked. He moved away from me while I was still in the air. I was gonna fall. "DANG IT JONGHYUN!!!" As I was falling down, Minho swiftly ran under me and caught me. He put me down. "Thanks" I said in gratitude. "You're welcome." he replied. I looked around and Jonghyun was missing. " little..." I mumbled angrily. I went to search for him. "JONGHYUN WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" I yelled. I looked around until I found him in his room closet. I pulled him out. "I COULD'VE BROKE A BONE!!!" "But you didn't..." He replied, still smirking. "GO SIT IN THE CORNER OF THE LIVING ROOM!" "You're not my mom!" He replied. I gave him an angry glare. ".......FINE!" He squealed as he stomped away and into the living room. I followed him and pointed my finger to the corner. Jonghyun sat and pouted. Key looked at me admiringly. "Geez, how did you get him to go in the corner?" I smirked and said, "Someone's a scaredy cat when I get angry!"  Jonghyun looked at me and whined. "AM NOT!" I gave him another glare. "That should shut him up!" I thought to myself.

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