Chapter 17

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"Jonghyun!" I said as I pulled myself together. "Come help me with this!" Jonghyun smiled as he came into the kitchen. "What do you need help with?" I turned around to face him. "Well, crack the eggs in the bowl and we'll go from there." He quickly cracks the eggs in the bowl. "What next?" I told him how to make the rest of the batter. Surprisingly, he's not that bad at cooking. I cook the pancakes after he made the batter. "We made a lot..." I said absent-mindedly. "Well, we have to feed 5 immature 20 year old's and a big appetited girl...I think we're good." Jonghyun replied. I scowled as I buttered the pancakes. "Hey!" Jonghyun said putting his hands in the air. "It's true!" I put all of the pancakes on the counter. I point at Jonghyun. "Don't eat any until the rest are up and eating too!" I commanded. Jonghyun sighed. "Dang it...." he mumbled. I get the table out and put plates on the table, like Americans eat. "'Murica!" I exclaimed in a hushed tone. I went back into the kitchen finding Jonghyun staring intently at the pancakes. "Why are you having a staring contest with the pancakes?" I asked. Jonghyun jumped. "They're teasing me...." He whined. "Can't I have just ONE?" "No." I said flatly. "I'm going to wake the others." Jonghyun smirked. "Okay, have fun with that." "I'm watching you!" I say warningly.I pointed my two fingers near my eyes and then back at Jonghyun.(The sign for "I'm watching you") I went into Jonghyun's room where the others are sleeping. I moved moved the curtains all the way so the room was filled with light. They hardly stirred. "Get off your lazy butts!!" I yelled. Still no movement. "I made breakfast" I say. They got up immediately, and walked out the door. "That's what I thought." I say, following them out of the room. "Ooh! Pancakes!" I hear Key say happily. "Kaitlyn, you made these?" Minho asked. I nodded. "Jonghyun helped." I added. "HIM? HELP?" Key asked humorously. Key went up to Jonghyun and grabbed his shirt. "Who are you and what have you done with Jonghyun?!" "Well, It's different when you guys need help. I just don't want to help you. You guys are independent enough." Jonghyun stated. "You callin' me not independent?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Jonghyun looked at me. "Oh! No definitely no-"  "Hey Jonghyun?" I said interrupting him in a cute voice. "Just eat your pancakes xD" I say, returning to my low monotonous voice.  Jonghyun sighed and took some of the pancakes from one of the plates. He sat down at the table and ate his hungrily while the rest of us got ours. By the time we got ours, he was finished. "They were really good!" He exclaimed. I look at him with a concerned look. "Did you even chew?" I asked. "I don't know....I was too busy to worry about chewing"  "They probably tasted better because you helped with them." I explained. I suddenly realize something.

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