Chapter 8

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After the big chase, Onew and Jonghyun were passed out on the floor, Minho was sitting down as if it never happened, and Taemin was sitting next to me, out of breath and drinking my water thirstily. "If only I put more effort into gym class..." He said, panting. I got up and got them all a glass of water, exept Taemin of course, he already drank mine! Jonghyun and Onew accepted the water and asked for straws, they didn't want to pick their heads up. I helped Onew and Jonghyun sit up and made them drink their water. After that, it was already midnight! Geez! I woke up in the morning, again woken by Jonghyun. I thought to myself,'5 more days until we leave! :D' I went downstairs and ate breakfast with my favorite band, whom are all now my roommates! "Kaitlyn..." Minho said. "We have to go into SM today for work." I looked at Minho and smiled. "That's okay!" I said happily. "You are musicians after all! You guys are really busy... I could just go shopping or something while you guys are gone..." 'You have a life..... Unlike me T_T  I play on the computer all day when the people aren't watching us O__O' Minho cleaned up and put away the table. Taemin comes over to me and hugs me. "You're so positive!" I snorted. "Eh... Not really... but I am trying to be more positive. I'm normally really negative! Trust me!" "And Taemin," I asked. "Can u let go of me now? I'm growing old here..." Taemin let go and looked down at his feet. "Woops... sorry!" he said, both sad and exited at the same time. I laughed. "It's okay, you can hug me, but not that long..." "Um, well we need to go now, so we'll see ya later!" Onew exclaimed. They all waved and walked out the door. "Bye!" I yelled. " Have a good day! AND DON'T FORGET TO SPEAK IN YOUR LANGUAGE TODAY!!!" One time, they spoke in English the whole day, and no one knew what they were saying! xD

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