Chapter 15

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Even though it wasn't even close to night time, we put a bunch of pillows and blankets on the floor, making a thicker carpet of blankets for everyone to lay on. I just got the best idea..... As I was thinking of it, I forgot to stay straight faced. So, I was smirking. I thought,'I'm going to steal Key's spot before we sleep and make him sleep with Jonghyun. I'll make sure to shout,'JONKEY' even though I don't support it. I just like teasing them >:D'  BEST PLAN EVERRRRR! "Um...should we be worried? Kaitlyn is smiling for no reason..." Onew said, noticing my evil grin. He unknowingly snapped me out of my thoughts. "Kaitlyn...What are you planning?" Jonghyun asked. "....Nothing" I said quietly, still grinning. "Mhmm...." Jonghyun replied. Jonghyun turned to Onew. "Yes, Onew, we should be worried." He said, answering Onew's question. I smiled even larger and creepily added,"Oh not all of you need to be worried.....Just...two of you..." They all immediately had a worried expression on their faces. "Which two?" Taemin asked nervously. I shook my head. "I have already given too much information." I replied, still in a creepy voice.  "You know what Kaitlyn? I don't know what you're planning but....I think you've done enough work....go relax and make yourself at home on the couch...we'll do the rest." Key said, pushing me out the door. I see what he's doing....Trying to get on my good side.... >:D Not going to work! I sit down by the side of the door and wait until they finish setting up the room. I sat for at least 5 minutes, until I heard them talking. "Taemin, go get Kaitlyn. We're done with the room." I heard Minho say. I heard Taemin's sound of protest. "Do I really have to go...alone? She's scaring me." Taemin replied. "Just go, I'm sure she won't torture you too much..." Jonghyun added. I could hear the teasing smirk in his voice. "Oh o-Wait what? TORTURE?!" Taemin exclaimed. "Just gooooo!" Key said overdramatically. "Oh, alright!" Taemin exclaimed. I heard the door open. I pressed against the wall as tightly as I could, hoping not to be seen. Taemin walked out and looked around. I smirked, thinking this is a perfect opportunity to scare him. I slammed my fist hard against the wall and shuffled away quietly. "AHHH!" Taemin said as he turned around to face the noise's source. As he turned around I went around the kitchen and snuk up behind him. "MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I yelled as I grabbed him from behind.  Taemin screamed in a high pitch and fell down from shock.  "Not funny...." Taemin mumbled sadly as the rest of SHINee came out. Jonghyun and Onew started laughing like crazy. But both Minho and Key made sure Taemin was okay. "You can't even walk out of a room without getting hurt, can you?" Jonghyun said laughing. Onew shook his head. "That's my job!" Onew said, honestly. Taemin pouted and whined,"Kaitlyn why????" I shrugged. "I couldn't pass up the opportunity!" I replied. "That wasn't your plan, was it?" he asked. I laughed. "Nnnnope" I said, popping the p. I helped Taemin up. "Thanks." Taemin said, still traumatized. I patted him on the back and apologized. "That's okay...just don't do it again?" He answered. " No promises" I said, teasing. He looked at me. "I'm kidding!" I said laughing. I walked in Jonghyun's room and pillows & blankets covered the floor. We went out and played some video games until late. We quickly ate dinner and went into Jonghyun's room soon after. While Jonghyun and Key were busy, I told the others the plan. They agreed to play along. "Okay, time to pick spots!" Key exclaimed. Onew, Taemin, Minho, and I crowded the floor and called the spots. "JONKEY!!" We all yelled. (Onew, Taemin, Minho and I) Jonghyun looked at me confused. "What is this?" he asked me.  I smiled and told them to have a nice sleep. Jonghyun looked mad, but then suddenly it looked as if he had an idea... Oh no..(Or should I say...Onew.... HAHAHA! No? Ok... v-v) I pretended to sleep as Jonghyun told Key something. I tried to read his lips. 'When she's sleeping you can switch... Just make it look like you're sleeping.' Key smiled and whispered something back. I couldn't understand though.  'I NEED TO STAY UP'

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