CHAPTER 20! Part 1

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I started putting his things neatly in his black and green suitcase. "You know what's really weird?" I asked. "What?" Jonghyun asked, sitting up on the bed. "You have the same exact favorite colors as Deadlox. I always thought that was a bit weird." I stated honestly. "Well, this 'Deadlox' has good taste. Black and Green are the best colors in the world." Jonghyun replied. "Nah, They're pretty awesome...but.... not more awesome than blue." I said raising my voice a bit. "Blue is pretty awesome......not as awesome as green..." Jonghyun said, mumbling the last part. "What was that?" I asked. "Nothing." Jonghyun quickly replied. "That's what I thought." Key randomly walked in and said as if talking to a camera,"And that, ladies, gentleman, and divas, is how you win an argument!" "YAH!"  Jonghyun yelled. "Get out of my room! You didn't even knock!"  "I didn't need to!" Key yelled, as he walked into the hallway. Jonghyun huffed and once again face-planted onto the bed. 

"You know, you keep doing that, you'll mess up that face of yours." I stated. "Psh, Liar!" Jonghyun yelled into his bed. It was muffled, but I still could understand it. "And stop eating your sheets" I added, laughing. "I'm not eating them! Just pack mah stuff woman!" "DON'T CALL ME A WOMAN!" (For some reason I just don't like being called a woman xD) I yelled. "Woah woah woah....fine! What do you want me to call you then?" Jonghyun asked. "Maybe" I joked. "You want me to call you,'maybe'?" Jonghyun asked confused. It took him a minute... "OHHH!" Jonghyun said finally understanding. He laughed. "You're so slow sometimes xD It was a joke. You know that song right?" "Yeah...and I'm sorry for being stupid xD"

(Sorry I had to stop here guys. This isn't the end of the chapter, but I don't feel very good right now. Hopefully if I'm feeling better I can write more today. :(   

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