Been A While...

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Hey y'all. I'm sorry I kind of left this all behind. Got distracted with life stuff, growing up and all that fun stuff. Plus I was kind of embarrassed I made it more than just a SHINee fanfic. I admit I got a little excited and put all my interests (at the time) together. I honestly couldn't help it. 

I seriously cannot believe I grouped MINECRAFT and SHINEE... I was so weird...

I've never written as much as I wrote for this. If y'all would like, I actually finished the story and wrote it all down on paper first, so if it's killing you to not know the end let me know. Maybe I can find it somewhere and finish updating it. 

If not, no biggie. I just felt bad to leave people hanging for so long without an explanation. Also, with the horrible news of our Beautiful Boy Bling Bling's passing, it may be a little painful to pretend that everything is alright. I'm still not over it, it haunts me, and I'm sure that's the case for some of you as well. 

Anyway, I don't want to linger too much on that topic. Most of the time I just pretend it never happened. For my sanity. 

Let me know what y'all think. I'm sure all of you moved on by now and don't even remember this. I forget about it too, and I wrote the damn thing! 

Well wishes to all, especially those who are suffering with mental illness. -Kaitlyn <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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