chapter 6

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"Mark!" Amy called through the house. "Did you clean and vacuum the living room yet?"

"No, dear. Emma can't stop crying." Mark replied.

"Change her diaper then, I thought you got this down already." Amy frantically said.

"Babe, chill out." He put Emma's bottle in the sink.

"I can't mark, we got visitors coming today. Did you clean the extra bedroom in the basement?"

"Yes, I did that yesterday."

"Good, now clean the living room while I take care of Emma." Mark handed over Emma and Amy ran to her room.

After Mark vacuumed the living room and cleaned it, he cleaned the kitchen too. Wiping down all of the counters and washing the dishes.

"Wait! Amy! Who's picking up Aliyah from Preschool?" Mark yelled to Amy, who was feeding Emma.

"You are!" She yelled back.

Mark sighed and took the keys to the car.

In the car:

"How was school today?" Mark asked while driving.

"Not good." She pouted. Mark noticed the tears forming in her eyes.

Mark was shocked. She's been going there for a month and she's only had good days.

"Why?" Mark asked nervously.

"Jessica and Sarah, they're BULLIES!" She started crying.

"No, no, baby. It's okay. Did you tell the teacher?"

"Yeah, they only had time out for 10 minutes!"

"What did they do?"

"They took my doll away, they dumped my snack on the ground, and they pushed me!" Aliyah said as she wiped her tears.

Mark was shocked once again. They did all this bullshit to her and they only got to sit out for 10 minutes? Mark needs to call her later.

Soon they got home and Aliyah told Amy.

"Baby, that's not okay for them to do that. I'm so sorry." Amy hugged the little girl as she continues crying into her sleeve.

After they separated, Amy wiped her tears off.

Amy's POV:

Whoever the fuck did that to my daughter needs to have more punishments. Pushing, snatching toys out of her hand, dumping her snack onto the floor? Mark said he would call the teacher tonight to clear things up.

About 10 minutes after that breakdown, there was a knock on the door.

"Jack and Signe!" Aliyah raced to the door.

"Aliyah, remember to say hi." I told her.

"I will." She opened the door to them.

I heard "hi Aliyah, you're so pretty!" From Signe.

I also heard a "wassup girl!" Come from Jack. And 4 year old Sam and 3 year old Gabriel just said hi.

The family of 4 soon came in and for about 15 minutes we just have been greeting each other and talking.

I soon came out of the room with tiny Emma and everyone was just surrounding her.

"Oh my goodness, Amy! She's so cute!" Signe cooed. "I wish we would have another kid." She turned around to Jack.

"Maybe one day, Signe. But we are just fine with the 2 boys we have right now." Jack said.

"Can i please hold her?" Sam was jumping up and down.

"Yes Sam, go sit down on the couch and ill give her to you." I replied.

He quickly ran to the couch and sat down. I put pillows next to his arms so it could support Emma.

He held his hands out and i gently set her in his small arms.

"Hold up your left arm to support her head okay?" I told him. I was a little nervous because I usually didn't have a little kid hold her, except for Aliyah.
He did so, he was doing such a great job! I was actually impressed.

"You're doing a great job." I whispered to him.

"Thanks." He whispered back.
Emma didn't cry at all. She made little noises and soon was drifting off to sleep.

After about talking to Jack and Signe for 5 minutes I noticed that Sam was still holding Emma, but she was asleep.

I walked over. "Okay Sam, Emma needs to go down for her nap." I reached my arms out to grab the sleeping infant.

"But I want to hold her longer." Sam complained.

"Maybe one day you'll have a little sister to hold." Signe winked.

"Fineee." He let me take Emma away and put her in her crib. Then he ran downstairs to play with Gabriel and Aliyah in the playroom.

2 hours later:

The little ones ran upstairs while us adults were chillin out in the pool, drinking some wine.

"We are soooo hungry!" Aliyah yelled to Mark and me.

"Yeah! I want a hotdog!" Gabriel jumped up and down.

"I want pepperoni pizza!" Sam ran over to Jack. "Daddy can we please get pizza?"

"That's up to Amy and Mark, what do you guys want to do?" Jack replied.

"I don't c-" Mark was interrupted by the baby monitor on the table, Emma's up.

"I'll go get her." Amy climbed out of the pool and went to comfort Emma.

"Pizza, pizza, pizza!" The kids chanted.

"Y'all are fine with me ordering pizza?" Mark asked Jack and Signe.

"We don't mind, we just don't want to be bothered by the kids all night." Jack chuckled.

Mark climbed and and grabbed his phone to order pizza.

Soon 2 large pizzas came in and everyone was sitting around the large table and eating it.

"Thanks for the pizza Mark! Signe, Amy, and I will take the kids to the park since you will be working all day." Jack said while eating another piece of pizza.

"No problem. Sorry I have to work while you guys are still here." Mark sighed.

"That's what work is, buddy!" Jack chuckled and soon everyone was laughing.

After pizza, Signe and I bathed all of the kids and Jack and Mark went back to the pool to swim. After we cleaned the kids and tucked them in bed, Signe and I jumped back into the pool in our bikinis and joined our husbands.

We continued chatting and drinking some alcohol until Mark pulled me in for a kiss on the lips.


His lips were still connected to mine and soon he put his big hand on my thigh and squeezed it. I moaned a little and Signe and Jack were still drinking their wine.

"Yo Mark, what are you doin to poor Amy?" Jack called.

"Uh... nothing.." Mark let go of my thigh and kissed me one last time on the cheek.

We all laughed and swam around some more before it was time for bed.
"See y'all tomorrow morning." Signe said quietly as we got out of the pool and went our separate ways.

"Goodnight." Mark and I told the other couple.

Our New Family (amyplier)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang