lxxx. | selective pain

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lxxx. | selective pain

When your OC is a crybaby, it's not fun. It's not cute, it's just sad. And repeative.

Tiffany shouldn't be crying in every chapter, nor she should be getting hurt. Whether it's tripping over a tree branch, or getting shot, stop making her the centre of attention, yet again.

But for real, it's seriously not fun. I hate it, because the book isn't even interesting when everyone's fussing over Tiffany constantly.

Like, let's say Tiffany gets shot, or she hurts herself. She'll be in pain, obviously, so write about it! Describe the emotions! Don't just leave the injury because it's easier for you to forget it ever happened.

Tiffany doesn't have boob implants on her legs to protect her fragile bones from all things bad in the world. Her boob implants are on her boobs, where they belong, goSH.

So when Carl is trying to turn on Tiffany when she's previously been fucking shot on her leg, she shouldn't be a-okay with Carl sexually placing his hand on her thigh. Just because she wants the D, doesn't mean she won't be in pain. Getting shot hurts, guys. It isn't the same as bruising your skin. Jeez.

Better yet, don't have Tiffany and Carl have sex.

~ Aimee
(Btw, I love that gif I made)

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