Hating The FBI

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Hey there guys!

So i have a new fan fic which is based on a show called White Collar which is soooo amazong and you should watch it.

I hope you all like my twist on White Collar :)




Next person to fan gets the dedication


Chapter 1 –

       The name is Ashley and I am the sister of the famous Neal Caffrey. Most people don’t know that Neal has a sister, even the FBI doesn’t know he has a sister and we like to keep it that way. Neal is the best con artist out there and with Mozzie and me, we are the best there is. That was until Neal got caught and locked up in prison over Kate, which was stupid. Who gets locked up for a girl? Neal obviously. He has been serving his prison sentence for the last 4 years and I haven’t heard from him since. We are real close Neal and I but we knew that it would be best if we didn’t have any contact until he was out due to the FBI. I miss him terribly but at least I still have Mozzie. I was currently waiting for a text message from a rooftop at night from Mozzie to tell me that the coast was clear. I was about to steal starry night over Rhone by Vincent van Gogh from the art gallery below me. I was a major con artist like my brother and I hoped to be as good as him and Mozzie one day but I would make sure that I didn’t get caught by the FBI. I stayed crouched on the rooftop and wished Mozzie would text me son as I was growing rather bored. I was dressed black leggings and a black tank top with my black leather jacket. I was also wearing a black beanie which has most of my hair scooped up in it. Finally I felt my phone buzz and I pulled it from my pocket. I smiled at the message from Mozzie. I was good to go. I stood up and walked silently over to the roof vent and pulled it up slowly and looked down. Everything was clear. I slipped inside and climbed down the ladder and reached the gallery floor. Mozzie the computer geek that he is hacked the security system and disabled all of the alarms. All I had to do was get the painting and go. I walked slowly through the gallery looking at the paintings on the walls and I smiled at them respecting the stories that they held. I finally made it to the painting that was my mark and pulled my bag from my back and put it on the floor in front of my and opened it. I took out a small Stanley knife and stood up and faced the painting. Mozzie had disabled all the alarms but the ones that held the canvas on the wall. I would have to cut the painting from the frame which would be difficult. I stepped up close to the painting and slid my knife to the edge of the painting and began to cut through the canvas slowly. Time ticked by as I cut slowly making sure that I was making clean lines. The painting would never sell if I had done a messy job. The painting then finally came free and I took it off the canvas without setting off the alarms. I grabbed a tube from my bag and slipped the painting into it and then took out another tube that was in my bag. I opened up the lid and took out a piece of canvas that was a forgery of the one I had just taken. I had made sure that I had made it the best I could and I think only a con artist like myself or Neal could identify that this was a fake. I took out some glue and glued the forgery carefully onto the canvas and once I was done I stepped back to admire my work. I had to say that I was impressed. I put the tube that contained the painting in my bag as well as my knife and glue and slung the bag on my bag. I was heading out of the gallery when my phone buzzed. Mozzie messaged saying that the security was back on and I had to get out fast. I was glad that I had worn my trust black converse as they had good grip and I could run well in them. I picked up the pace and dashed for the vent and climbed up it quickly. Once out o the rooftop I closed the vent and headed for my exit. I climbed down the fire escape and once I checked that the coast was clear I merged back into the nightly crowd and made my way back to my apartment where Mozzie would be waiting for me. Mozzie was waiting for me in my apartment as always when I did a job and was drinking my wine. Again. I rolled my eyes at him and placed my bag on the floor and flopped onto the sofa opposite him. I had an awesome apartment that I had managed to con my way into. It had an awesome view of New York and I loved it. It was mostly open plan apart from my bedroom and bathroom. It was large and had all the space I needed to have.

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