Can We Keep Him?

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 Kara had been walking home from CatCo on a particularly nice day, just enjoying the sunshine when she had found him. He was a little scruffy, but he was oh so cute, and she knew that she just had to keep him, so she had scooped the puppy up into her arms and promptly taken him home.

When Lena got home later that night, Kara was standing in the hall in her Supergirl suit with the dog wrapped in her cape. Lena raised her eyebrows and waited for Kara to offer up some sort of explanation.

"He's cute, isn't he?" she asked hopefully.

"Yeah, he is. What's he doing in our apartment?"

"I found him, and I want to keep him," Kara stated, thoughtfully admiring the black and white pile of fluff in her arms.

"So he's a stray then?" Lena's voice was curious, which Kara hoped was a good sign.

"Yeah, but I looked him up, and he seems to be a havanese mixed with something, although I'm not sure what that something is. It's bound to be pretty little because his paws are little, which means he won't grow up to get that big. I was thinking we could take him to get checked out tomorrow?"

Lena let out a sigh.

"Kara, love, I don't know. A dog is a big responsibility."

"Please, Lena? Please, can we keep him?"

She handed the dog to Lena in an attempt to win her over. It seemed to work as she watched Lena cradle the puppy in her arms and smile as she looked into his big brown eyes.

"I mean, I don't see why he couldn't stay one night," she finally said, giving the dog an affectionate scratch on the top of his head.

A few minutes later, Kara got called down to the DEO and had to leave Lena with the dog. She really hoped that the two would get along, but Lena hadn't appeared to be an animal person so far. However, when she got back, it seemed that all her worries had been for nothing. The little ball of fluff was curled up in Lena's lap, and she was watching him sleep. Kara moved to sit on the couch beside her.

"Shh... don't wake Merc," Lena breathed.

"Merc?" Kara stage whispered.

"Short for Mercutio, from Romeo and Juliet."

"You named him without me?" Kara whined.

Lena shushed her again, stroking Merc's soft fur. Despite her disappointment in not being included in the naming process, Kara was happy to see that Lena had taken such a liking to the puppy. Maybe there was a chance he could stay.

"You can pick the middle name," Lena said after a while.

"Potsticker," Kara said thoughtfully. "He shall be called Mercutio Potsticker."

Lena laughed, and added, "Mercutio Potsticker Danvers Luthor. That's quite a mouthful."

Kara nodded in agreement, resting her head on Lena's shoulder. They fell asleep like that that night.


"Did you take him to work with you?" Kara said incredulously as she strolled through Lena's office for their lunch date to find Merc resting on Lena's couch.

Lena blushed and replied, "Guilty as charged. But he's just so damn cute!"

"I know," Kara answered, starting to speak in a baby voice. "He's just the cutest little puppy you've ever met, right, buddy? Aren't you just so cute and sweet?"

Merc climbed into Kara's lap and wagged his tail happily. Kara stroked the soft fur of his back and marveled at the fluffy creature in her arms. Lena cleared her throat from over at her desk. Kara looked up sheepishly.

"Am I interrupting something?" Lena teased. "I thought you came to see me."

Kara sighed and set the little dog back down. She walked behind Lena's desk.

"I did."

She closed the distance between them, taking in the scent of Lena's perfume, and pressed her lips against her girlfriend's. Lena deepened the kiss, pulling Kara onto her lap. Kara smiled but didn't move her lips off of Lena's.

"I've been thinking about you all day," Lena breathed. "Merc and I missed you."

"I know," Kara sighed. "I missed you, too, but I have big news! Snapper gave me a chair!"

The smile on Lena's face seemed to match her own as the raven haired woman pulled Kara into a huge hug.

"Kara that's wonderful! How do you want to celebrate?"

"How about you leave work early, say five o'clock, and we go buy Merc some stuff so that he can stay?"

"Deal," Lena smiled.


The Havanese puppy squirmed energetically in Kara's arms. He seemed very curious in the environment around him and had already tried to escape from her grasp several times inside the pet store.

"Merc," Kara chastised. "Buddy, we can't take you places if you're going to behave like this."

Lena chuckled and gave the dog an affectionate pat. He wagged his tail and barked enthusiastically. They ended up leaving the pet store with three new dog dishes, a bright red leash, and a blue collar, engraved with his name and Lena and Kara's cell numbers, of course, as well as several pounds of dog food and a rope toy which Kara had said Merc was practically begging for. They left behind the dog bed that Lena had picked out because Kara had insisted that Merc would either be sleeping with them or on the couch and a superhero costume that Kara had wanted because Lena had argued that he would hate them for it if they stuffed him into a little outfit.

Lena bought Lara an ice cream cone on the way home, which Merc finished for her. He liked his chops happily.

"You've already managed to spoil him," Lena pursed her lips. "Now he's going to think that you'll give him whatever he wants."

"He's not wrong," Kara answered, giving the dog a kiss.

"Come on, pushover, let's take him home. Have fun potty training him. He won't be so cute when he pees on your super suit."

Kara laughed and put one arm around Lena, shifting Merc's weight to the other arm. Lena was going to let her keep the dog, and she could not be happier. 

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