Chapter Eleven

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Feathershine is sitting at her desk, furiously playing a round of Candy Crush, when the buzzer next to her rings.

Nettlebounce: Ahem. Code magenta; blue; periwinkle; red-orange; violent violet.

Feathershine: *wrinkles her nose.* Uh, code... *glances at the paper tacked to her bulletin board.* Pizza yellow; pepperoni red; cheese-filled crust orange.

Nettlebounce: Gotcha. *not speaking into the microphone.* Hey, Petalpounce, I've got an order for you!

Feathershine: *in a sing-song voice.* You forgot to turn off the buzzer.

Nettlebounce: Right. Well, can you just come down the spring-green and talk to pebble-gray with cream?

Feathershine: *heavy sigh.* Fine.

Feathershine pushes off, rolling in her chair out of the counseling room. Using the walls, she makes her way down the spring-green -- er, hall -- and into the front room.

Petalpounce: *is hissing under his breath.* 

Fireheart: *blabbers.* And I think you're beautiful and all, Cinderpelt, but my heart has been captured by Sandstorm! *gestures toward Sandstone, who is texting in the corner.*

Sandstone: I did not capture you more than Petalpounce can capture a Rattata. 

Petalpounce: I am a perfectly fine Pokemon Go player, thank you very much -__-

Feathershine: *clears her throat.* So why did I come down here again? I already forgot.

Nettlebounce: We have a client, but... but they're not exactly here yet.

Feathershine: What do you mean?

Nettlebounce: Come behind the desk. 

Ignoring Fireheart, who was trying to attack his own tail, Feathershine slipped behind the desk, eyes widening as she read the screen.

Feathershine: No.

Nettlebounce: What? We can't refuse any offers. Don't you want Mottledleaf to get her paycheck so Fireheart will shut up? *nudges her.* Plus, I could use a new pair of shoes...

Feathershine: *sighs.* Fine. But what if they're a creepy hundred-moon-old tom!

Mottledleaf: *calls from around the corner.* Don't insult my grandfather!

Ignoring the janitor, Feathershine turns on the computer and starts typing something. A cat's face pops up on the screen.

Petalpounce: I'm going to go get some pizza, bye. *quickly rushes out of the building, typing on his phone.*

Feathershine: It's pizza yello--hello there! *smiles at the screen.* How may I help you?

Strange Cat: *garbled voice.* I have a prophecy for you...

Nettlebounce: *squints out the window.* Eh, is that Petalpounce out there?

Strange Cat Who Is Totally Not Petalpounce: Petalpounce IS A GUY!

The Wi-Fi cuts out.

By Rio.

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