Chapter Twenty-Two

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Petalbounce: Here you go five Hawaiian and two Meatlovers *places the boxes on the front desk*

Nettlebounce: Thanks sis *smiles at him wickedly*

Petalbounce: I hate you *grouchily pads out of the front door only to crash into Feathershine*

Feathershine: *says hi while looking at her phone*

Nettlebounce: *gets out of chair and heads towards Feathershine* Everything all set for the party tonight?

Feathershine: *looks up from phone* Yep...tilts head, looking thoughtful* Has anyone seen Slashscar lately? He hasn't been here in a while

Nettlebounce: *is about to answer when Fireheart and Mottledleaf comes in*

Mottledleaf: *sees Feathershine and bolts to her, kneeling in front of her* Please don't make me stay behind to clean up once the party ends...

Feathershine: You're the janitor that's your jo- *sees Fireheart and dramatically sighs* How many times have I told you that it's not 'bring your grandpa to work day'?!

Sandstone: *pads in then slowly then backs away once she spots Fireheart*

Fireheart: *sees Sandstone, quickly smooths down fur and pads to her in 'cool' manner* Hey Sandstorm! Haven't seen you since yesterday, where have you been, babe?

Sandstone: *looks at Mottledleaf desperately motioning to her to take Fireheart away from her*

Mottledleaf: *doesn't see her as she is busy negotiating with Feathershine*

Three hours later...

Feathershine: *walks in wearing a baseball cap backwards and over-sized shades* Let's get this party started!

Music starts to play from the speakers and every character that appeared in the story so far, starts to dance

Fireheart: *pads up to Sandstone* Wanna dance babe?

Sandstone: *eyes wide* Uhh no...I'm already dancing with *widely looks around the overly decorated room* Petalbounce. I'm dancing with Petalbounce *crazily gestures for brown-furred tom to come over*

Petalbounce: *comes over* Yeah what? *looks at Fireheart* He troubling you?

Sandstone: *Nods head*

Fireheart: I thought you loved me, Sandstorm! *starts to sob but then narrows eyes at Petalbounce* You won't take this smokin' hot feline away from me. You're just some random she-cat that knows nothing about he-

Petalbounce: *pounces onto Fireheart* How dare you! Stupid flea-bag! *starts to pummel him*

Mottledleaf: Grandpa! *runs towards him and tries to pull Petalbounce off*

Petalbounce: *Kicks her away with his hindpaws*

Fireheart: *Suddenly starts to fight back and both cats are randomly fighting in slow-motion*

Cats start to notice the fight and chant 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'

Feathershine: *rurns off the music and storms towards the fighting toms, putting her paws on her hips* What on Earth is going on here?!

Petalbounce: *startled, he jumps away and points to the scraggly ginger tom* He started it

Mottledleaf: *runs to her grandpa* You okay?! *turns her head to glare at Petalbounce* He is old and slightly wacko. You should know better then to fight with old cats

Petalbounce: *waves his paw dismissively* Oh puh-lease this mouse-brain called me a she-cat. You know how I feel about that

Feathershine: *glares at both cats* Since I'm the psychologist here I think you should take a few deep breaths, take some catmint and continue to party

Mottledleaf: *her jaw gapes and then gives her a funny look* I don't think they should eat catmi-

Feathershine: I'm the psychologist. You're the janitor. Don't question me! *turns the music back on, and cats starts to dance again*

Slashscar: *bursts in through the door* Sorry I'm late, my cab driver kept asking whether I was a she-cat or a tom and didn't know whether to open the door for me or just leave me to open it myself *takes out a hand mirror from her handbag and quickly applies a fresh layer of blush*

Petalbounce: *sees Slashscar and smoothly pads over to the ginger cat, ignoring Feathershine's 'advice' * Wanna dance? *holds out a paw*

Slashscar: *smiles at him and takes his paw, leading him to the dance floor*

Mossbreeze: *looks around for Nettlebounce only to see her being led away by Slashscar then sadly pads away, crashing into the actual Nettlebounce*

Nettlebounce: *looks concerned for the small torbie* Hey, you okay?

Mossbreeze: *confusion shows in her face* I thought you were dancing with Slashscar?"

Nettlebounce: Huh? Am I? *chuckles* I guess I do look like my brother. No wonder the two of us always gets confused *then holds out paw* Let's dance

Mossbreeze: *shyly smiles and the two then head to the corner and start to do the Whip, Nae, Nae*

Another three hours later

Mottledleaf: I hate my job... *continues to scrub the mysterious stain on the wall*

-Written by Swan 

& edited by rio

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