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Harry had been able to see people's thoughts since he was seven years old, not necessarily read their minds but their thoughts would come floating out over them. Whether it was small insignificant words, shopping lists or angry rants; the words and sometimes pictures floated around him everywhere he went.

He had tried to tell the Dursleys but quickly figured it wasn't something everyone could do and so he kept it to himself. After Harry had told him he was a wizard and he had his first encounter with Ron he didn't dare tell anyone. It wasn't until the second year that he discreetly asked Hermione about it playing it off with a boyish grin and Ron supplied a "how cool would reading minds be?".

Harry was in his fifth year when he started to actually utilize his power, before he had felt it was too intrusive but he figured that if he didn't know who's thoughts it was it wouldn't matter.

So there he was as per usual one Wednesday morning scanning the great hall for something fun, someone was thinking of a childhood memory and if he moved closer to the slytherins table he was pretty sure he could've seen an imaginary wedding playing out. He continued like this for a while until suddenly it all disappeared. He startled in his seat and Hermione out a gentle comforting hand on his shoulder asking if he was okay and after his assurance that he was everyone went back to breakfast.

Everyone except Harry who sat trying to subtly scan the hall for a reason to the sudden disappearance of his special ability. But there was nothing and Harry almost left the hall when he spotted a rapidly growing text out of the corner of his eye.

It was by the slytherins table and he could just make out the words as the thoughts continued. This was strange Harry had never before seen so much at one time it usually disappeared almost immediately but not this.

Where did it go?
Why can't I see it?
What is wrong with me!?
Calm Down
Everyone didn't stop thinking
I just stopped seeing them
But why?

Harry quickly searched for the source of the thoughts and found Draco sitting with wife eyes scanning the room.


The word was excessively big and when Harry looked back down Dracos eyes were trained on him.


Harry gestured with his head towards the doors and Draco gave a slight nod before they both rose and left leaving their respective friends stumped.

"Can you see them too?" Was Dracos first inquiry "The thoughts I mean"

"Yeah" Harry nodded and motioned for them to continue down the hall. They walked through the castle silently igniting the looks they were getting until they found an empty classroom where they locked the door and sat down.

"I can't see them anymore though" Harry blurted "they disappeared, its kind of empty you know?"

"Yeah I know" Draco said smiling slightly "so, um, for how little by have our been able to see them?"

"Seven" Harry said smiling a little "first thought I ever saw was my teacher silently cussing out the class" Draco let out a laugh before he could stop himself.

"I was six, my cousin was over and was thinking about his secret boyfriend, he's lucky I kept my mouth shut!" They laughed together and just like that it was like a damm had been broken and the boys ended up spending hours in the classroom that day, later claiming they had been sick.

It continued like this, Harry and Draco would meet up in empty classrooms and talk about their abilities and soon they talked about other things too until they eventually knew everything about each other.

It took two months before they kissed and another for them to be official. As soon as they kissed everything was back, they saw everything again.After that Harry told his friends he was gay almost immediately, it was hard seeing their supportive faces but also the few thoughts that weren't.

During the coming years with Draco they cursed their ability many times and almost separated many times because of it. But there was one time when Harry couldn't have loved it more and it was when the words "I do" appeared big and clear over Dracos head at the alter.

I still have a major writers block (I think you all noticed by the last one shot it was crappy af) anyway send prompts and leave likes and comments and prompts ALSO 300 LIKES AND 5K READS?!!? OMG YOU GUYS ARE THE FUCKING BEST. But yeah working on one prompt but send me more :)

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